Since only a few people actually read my build thread, figured I'd post them up here in case anyone wants to watch.
First one is the first night of the event, running in pitch-black in a very, very hilly field on a course with slick clay and 6-7 foot tall grass all around. Basically, rallycross except there's no "looking ahead," but more "read and react" to the turns for the first few runs. This was my second run. Starts about 35 seconds in IIRC.
Second one is from the second day, where the event was rained out due to the venue being unsafe by SCCA standards for actually making a course. However, the track owner essentially said that whoever was still around could just go out and play on the track and do whatever....the only rule being "don't hit the grader or anything else totally stupid, please, because your car will lose that encounter"
So about a dozen of us (all 2WD cars, the AWD guys actually got their runs in the morning and took off when it was cancelled), spent an hour or two practicing our dirt circle track driving in very slick conditions on the wax/clay mixture.
As an aside, after the event (and later at home) I probably took a good 75lbs of mud off of the car. This stuff is sticky and heavy and builds up on EVERYTHING! Lots of fun but I hope to never drive in this kind of mud again, lol.