Be it declared this day, all automobiles henceforth shall be built as specified by performance enthusiasts.
No longer will the tiny majority, herewith and forevermore identified as "GRM", suffer the bland and boredom inducing vehicular torture the vast remnant refers to as "a great car!"
Cars shall be light weight, minimalist, quick and fast, and be accurate representations of the gods of power and beauty!
Be gone, you vile Juke! Be gone, hideous 21st century corolla!
So sayeth the angels of speed and handling and power and beauty, on this very day.
2/14/14 2:15 p.m.
And there was much rejoicing!
Hey, now, the Juke is awesome. If left up to me, I'd make it look even more like a jumping spider.
Now lobbest thy holy hand grenade. And with it, destroy the evil bloated creatures that now populate showrooms everywhere..
Lo, for our lord Colin Chapman hath risen from the grave and struck down upon all the SUVs of the land with great vengeance and furious anger.
Bloated? What makes you say that?
I would rock a Nismo Juke, and I'd give up a kidney to wheel a Juke R. the standard models are of course useless and can be bannished.
2/14/14 3:48 p.m.
There hast always been and always will be the bloated, the weak and the boring. Just as thy loves thine neighbor, you must tolerate the Philistines and resist the urge to cast them into the pits of hell.
Oh sure, bring that whole "brotherly love" thing in to it. Killjoy...
2/14/14 6:08 p.m.
I got behind a 3rd gen mz3. Goddamn that thing is one turbo a way from being amazing.
2/14/14 6:53 p.m.
I like the Juke, it looks kinda like a dune buggy. If I had one I would add a set of All Terrain T/As and KC smiley face covers over the big lights.
2/14/14 8:21 p.m.
Wally wrote:
I like the Juke, it looks kinda like a dune buggy. If I had one I would add a set of All Terrain T/As and KC smiley face covers over the big lights.
You have a diseased mind. Do you have a newsletter I could subscribe to?
And then from the ranks of the GRMers came the cry. "We support out Minivans, for they can beateth thy sports cars of old" And from other quaters came the call "But what about the holy Yugo and the sacred Leaf"
This place encourages crap, we'll never even agree amongst ourselves!