Well, static compression ratio isn't everything.
In general the limiting factor of turbo engines is detonation. Detonation occurs after ignition (the spark) when fuel in some other part of the combustion space ignites before the flame front spreading out from the spark plug gets there. When this happens, you will burn all of the fuel in the combustion chamber quicker than intended. The reason it occurs is that pressure and temperature are related and the pressure in your combustion space 'travels' quicker than the actual flame front originating at the spark plug. If you have ever seen aerial footage of bombs hitting the ground you can clearly see a pressure wave moving outward much quicker than any actual flame. When pressure rises, temperature also rises. If fuel in the rest of the chamber is already near its auto-ignition temperature, a pressure wave hitting it could cause it to ignite.
One of the fundamental aspects of ignition (and thus combustion) timing is that it must be changed constantly to suit RPM and other conditions. The speed at which the piston moves changes far more than the speed of combustion. So, as rpm goes up, ignition must 'lead the target' and fire earlier so that the timing of the building pressure from combustion lines up with the piston, rod, and crank being in the right position to take advantage of it. If you imagine a cylinder with its piston at top dead center (uppermost position), you will notice that the connecting rod and crank arm it is attached to are in a straight line underneath it. Regardless of how hard you push down on that piston, it will not be converted to crank rotation when the parts are in that alignment. Ignition should be timed so that pressure does not build to its maximum until after top dead center where the geometry allows it to convert into crank rotation. If ignition is timed properly but you experience detonation, all your fuel burns quicker than normal and results in max pressure when the engine parts are less well oriented to convert it to crank rotation. If you manage to build up too much pressure BEFORE top dead center, then not only is your pressure attempting to slow the engine or spin it backwards, but the massive momentum and power the rest of the engine has is now having a fight with the pressure in your cylinder. You also end up with higher temperatures in the cylinder for a longer time. Generally your max pressure and temp only exist for a tiny moment because as the piston goes down on the power stroke, the combustion space expands, which means pressures and temperatures go down. If you burn all the fuel too early, pressure and temp stay high longer. One of the main ways in which detonation breaks engines is by heating the top piston ring until it expands so much that the gap closes. A piston ring is typically 3-4" in diameter which X3.14 means it's essentially a 9-12" long piece of metal that can only grow by 0.020" (typical ring gap) until it tries to seize the piston in your cylinder. If the ring ends touch, any further ring growth will act like brake shoes expanding in a brake drum and try to 'brake' your piston, which then 'breaks' your piston around the ringland area.
Anywho, static compression isn't the main indicator of what actual cylinder pressures or temps will be, or how sensitive the engine is to detonation. 'Dynamic' or running compression is very affected by camshafts. Atkinson cycle engines are a good example of this. They use late intake valve closing to drop the high static compression ratio to a much lower running compression ratio. Also, if you can imagine a spark plug placed off center in a large bore cylinder (as they always were in the V8s of the 60s, 70s etc), detonation would be less likely on the 'short side' of the cylinder (from plug to wall) and more likely on the 'long side'. Detonation becomes less likely both by locating the plug near the center of the combustion space (which is true in basically all modern 4v combustion chambers) and less likely in a smaller bore size (also usually true when comparing new 4cyl to old v8s). Detonation is also much more likely around 'hot spots' in the chamber such as carbon deposits or exhaust valves. Carbon deposits are much less likely in newer engines with better AFR control and better ring sealing (and thus less oil burnt in the cylinder). Also, i think exhaust valves probably run cooler in 4v heads than 2v heads because exhaust valves shed heat primarily through the valve seat and valve guide surfaces and 4v heads will have more of those surfaces for the same size of cylinder.
And then there's the benefit of direct injection! Port injection sends fuel in on the intake stroke, which means the fuel heats up along with the air during the compression stroke. Injecting fuel directly into the cylinder when most of the intake stroke is past means the fuel didn't heat up from contact with the compressing air for as long. Take the benefits of direct injection a little further and imagine the case with diesel engines. They are all direct injection and unlike gas engines which have all the fuel present at the time of ignition, diesel engines inject the fuel 'gradually' into an ongoing combustion, so it is literally impossible for them to experience detonation in the way gas engines do. I think this is one of the main reasons that people who seem like complete idiots can sometimes build fast diesels. 
Anyway, there's a bunch of reasons why new cars can run turbocharging with high static compression ratios when older engines couldn't.