New Reader
2/4/09 2:13 p.m.
I'm trying to find a car for my brother for $1000 or less and I figured I'd ask around to see what's a decent car for that kind of money. I'm not expecting a mint car but something that's known to be reliable and easy and cheap to fix should something go wrong.
Any advice is appreciated.
Find the nicest WHATEVER you can find. Doesn't matter. A creampuff cavalier is better than a tired and beaten civic. Don't get stuck on a mark or model. In fact, I'd specifically look for something that's super nice but has no value due to reputation.
New Reader
2/4/09 2:49 p.m.
Thanks for the advice, I agree, everyone i talk to has a bad attitude on cavalier yet mine and my girlfriends have been rock solid.
My dad and brother are going to look at a '90 corolla sl-5, anyone know anything about these cars? It seems to be really well taken care of and fairly low KM's for it's age.
2/4/09 2:56 p.m.
Nicest you can afford. Can't go wrong with small stuff, Escort, Tracer, Protege, 323, MX6, Cavalier, Sunfire, etc are all in that sweet spot right now. Very nice mid-90's civvy Crown Vic's and Grand Marquis can be had for that as well. I like Protege's the best personally.
e30 eta.. or try to find a miata
PaulY wrote:
Thanks for the advice, I agree, everyone i talk to has a bad attitude on cavalier yet mine and my girlfriends have been rock solid.
My dad and brother are going to look at a '90 corolla sl-5, anyone know anything about these cars? It seems to be really well taken care of and fairly low KM's for it's age.
same as a regular corolla, just less usable space and relatively sportier looking. Change the fluid on that tranny alot and you'll be fine. Also, please note that the diff and the transmission have seperate fillers and drain plugs. Change them both, but don't drain one and fill the other.
Doode, that 'Rolla is an AE92. It would be very hard to go wrong with that car. 4AFE that will get around 40 miles per U.S. gallon at 70 with the manual. Less with the auto, but probably still over 30MPG (US). 100K miles is nothing for that car.
My DD is the GT-S version of that car, warmed up a bit.
Celicas of any year.
Camrys of any year.
Corollas of any year.
Escorts of any year.
Proteges of any year.
Dr. Hess wrote:
4AFE that will get around 40 miles per U.S. gallon at 70 with the manual. Less with the auto, but probably still over 30MPG (US).
Actually, a lot less with the automatic, which is what this one has. It's non-overdrive. You're correct about 30.
AMC Eagle
plentiful, rugged, dirt cheap, parts dirt cheap

2/4/09 3:30 p.m.
I'd say anything in that price range that has documented records (ie, timing belt) like the Toyota that you posted.
Ooooh here we go with the Mighty Eagle.
As others have said, in that price range by on condition, not nameplate. There are bargains out there, though. Neons are dirt cheap, for example, and can be a lot of fun. Same for Saturns. Keep an eye out for the Chevy Novas, too... the rebranded Corolla ones. They usually go for a LOT less than a Corolla, even though they're the same car.
Chevy Nova is a AE82 Rolla. Geo or Chevy Prism is also a Corolla.
On 4A motors (Rolla's of that era), a timing belt failure is not catestrophic. Some people run them till they break and put on a new one on the side of the road. They, of course, know what they are doing.
Look at '80s Crown Vics and Town Cars. They can be had dirty cheap in great shape and are simple as hell to work on. And they are really comfortable.
I too agree on condition over marque.
With that said, a marque that seems too sell really cheap is the Thurnderbird/Cougar twins, especially the run of the mill 6 cyl versions.
I will throw my vote in for an early 2000ish kia/hyundai...Most owners have had them serviced as this voided the 100k warranty
New Reader
2/4/09 6:16 p.m.
Thanks for all the advice, I get what you mean about condition over brand. This car seems to have a good background and if they can pick it up for a bit under asking price I'd say that's pretty good.
Not that my brother is interested but are these cars any fun to drive? I know the auto will kill most of the fun but I can't say I've driven any corolla except an 06 rent-a-car.
Also, I wish e30's and miata's were under a grand. You might be able to find a ratty 318 for around that price and miata's are just non existent under 3.
My experience is that an automatic kills any potential fun in a car that doesn't have a V8 and RWD.
2/4/09 7:43 p.m.
PaulY wrote:
You might be able to find a ratty 318 for around that price
I believe you just answered your own question.
91 and up Escorts/Tracers are cheap and plentiful. You can find 10 million of them in a most junkyards and can get parts for them at any Napa in any corner of the country. My mom said it best about my 93 Escort. "I never realized how many Escorts like yours are on the road today!"
Make a low priced brand work for you. Hyundai. Anything post-Mitsubishi drivetrain should be good. That varies by model and year, so you'll have to do your research. Any Accent is non-Mitsu.
Subarus with a 1.8 or 2.2.
Boring fleet cars like the Taurus, Lumina or Stratus. You can sometimes find these dullards in nice shape for nothing because the planet is polluted with them. They aren't much fun, but they do provide dependable service and the junkyards are full of them. Why drive a tiny stripped beater when you can enjoy a bit of room and luxury?
I also suggest something that has lots of used parts in the U-Wrench yards. It makes replacing the small stuff easier and cheaper. I've been known to even buy newer used brake pads for $5 a set vs. $30 at the auto parts store (I admit I'm super cheap sometimes).
belteshazzar wrote:
Find the nicest WHATEVER you can find. Doesn't matter. A creampuff cavalier is better than a tired and beaten civic. Don't get stuck on a mark or model. In fact, I'd specifically look for something that's super nice but has no value due to reputation.
Great advice. Look for care over make and you'll be fine. Just check it over good and you'll be fine.
Joe Gearin wrote:
AMC Eagle
That must depend on the region. I can't tell you the last time I saw one of these on the road or in a junkyard here...
However, I remember these things when they were new and there weren't that many of them here then, either.