Was at a dealer auction today trying to buy a '95 SL-2 I saw on the sale list. Hoping to find a new autocross beater. It was Purple, 5sp, alloy wheels, spoiler, cruise, and no other options. Perfect on paper. Unfortunately when I got there I found it had quite a bit of motor noise.
As I'm walking out I see a '92 SL-2 among the donated stuff. Just the nicest early Saturn I've seen in a long time. Only 102k miles. Maybe a car wash away from perfect.

It's even got the legendary seven pedestal spoiler

Not a lot of profit here, but I love it.

Only brought $525 including fees.
Pitty about the automatic though.
Auto should make it an easy sale, $1k obo should move it if it runs without needing work.
Somehow the purple one that I wound up NOT buying sold for $50 more than I paid for this one.
Poked around some on it today.
Under the hood is strange. Nothing is leaking. At all. The dipstick has none of that baked-on look that neglected Saturns get. Oil pressure is textbook perfect. Engine sounds awesome. Makes me believe someone really kept up with it.
On the other hand, the Torque Axis mount, coolant temp sensor, transmission filter, and spark plug wires were all original. Leading me to think they never did a thing to it.
Somehow all the electric doo dads still function. Even the radio hasn't become flakey yet. The headliner isn't drooping at all. It still has the air deflecting flap under the bumper.
It does have a wheel bearing that makes somthing like a thumping sound. That's the worst thing I've found so far.
Wow. I forgot how much better the wheel looks in 91/92 first gen cars.
Prices seem high, Last week I bought a 00 sl2a and a 02 sl1a for $426 and drove them both home