So my POS Miata has some structural damage to the core support across both sides, and back to the frame rails a little bit. And this just popped up on CL, semi-local.
The seller claims it'll fit 93-97, and my car is a 91. I'm not convinced I couldn't make it fit my 91 without too many problems.
So, those of you with intimate knowledge of Miatae, will this weld up to a '91?
The same chassis was used from '90-'97, so go for it.
Alright, I just wanted to hear it from someone else. I'm probably going to pick this up this weekend.
This project has officially gone too far for a $600 car. Nothing wrong with that, right?
Just make sure you make it this year. I wanna be able to wear my A&M shirt proudly!
Wait, what? You are going to weld an entire new front structure to your dirt cheap Miata because the frame rails are bent? Does it drive straight? Is it wrinkled? Do you not have trees to tie it to while you do 6000rpm reverse clutch drops in your area?
This is for my personal Miata, our Challenge car is in much better shape.
And yes. I'm going to weld an entire new front clip to a neglected, but structurally sound and rust-free chassis.
I'm kind of with MrJoshua - How extensive is the damage that it can't be pulled out and straightened? By the time you do all the work, might it make sense to put it on a frame rack instead?
4/19/11 7:11 a.m.
Perfect time for a crazy GRM style engine swap. Maybe you could be the first to swap in a steam turbine?
unevolved wrote:
This is for my personal Miata, our Challenge car is in much better shape.
Yea, that belongs in the magazine....
It'd be cheaper to buy this section and replace it, rather than put it on a frame jig.
And I'm very seriously considering a KL-ZE swap... Not quite as powerful as a turbo, but much more awesome.
unevolved wrote:
It'd be cheaper to buy this section and replace it, rather than put it on a frame jig.
And I'm very seriously considering a KL-ZE swap... Not quite as powerful as a turbo, but much more awesome.
KLZE + Supercharger. Every bit as powerful as a turbo, and likely more. Plus you get KLZE sound + supercharger whine, and a bigger powerband.
Win, Win, Win. WINNING
PS: Here.