I've had plenty of aerosols delivered by amazon before. It gave me a message that listed a ton of different reasons. What gives? I removed the 2k from my cart, then went back and found another seller (same brand 2k), and it let me sell. Just wondering if this order will get rejected. Is there something in 2k that's more hazardous than regular spray paint?
I tried a sample order from Summit Racing for five aerosol cans and it didn't balk. I tried Amazon and it was prepared to let me order five cans for free shipping. Was there anything else in your cart that might have exceeded ORMD limits?
1/2/21 11:05 p.m.
Maybe the one seller screwed something up in the SDS stuff? Try to buy from the same seller again?
In reply to Mr_Asa :
Yeah maybe. I did try a different seller and that's when it worked.
Humm, co-worker had an issue like this (very different product) that he had order an number of times then, poof, issue.
Ended up buying same product from an different seller on Amazon with his same account.
Some places won't/can't ship to some places. Because of state laws.
1/3/21 10:32 a.m.
Same reason Facebook marketplace wont let me list a motorized wheelchair but list hundreds of them for sale in my area. You have triggered a digital bit somewhere and it is not to be questioned.
VOC regulations in your state are probably preventing it.
One seller may just be ignoring those laws. I went through the same thing with polyurethane for my floors. The VOCs were too high for PA so I couldn't find anyone who would ship me gallons. I could buy the same quantity in quarts (for way more money), but gallons are the debbil.
I did find one online retailer who would do it, but I would have had to order it online on their website and put my correct address but use WV as the state, then call him and he would manually change the state to PA on his end. That way the electronic record showed a legal sale.
It was too much of a hassle so I just chose another finish that I could buy here.
The way the laws are set up in PA, it's not just the VOCs, it's the quantity. It's stupid. I could have ordered 8 quarts of my floor finish and that was fine, but 2 gallons wasn't allowed even though it was the same quantity. So likely you can buy 20 cases of aerosol cans, but if you want to buy a 5 gallon bucket of the same stuff, it isn't allowed.
NOHOME said:
Same reason Facebook marketplace wont let me list a motorized wheelchair but list hundreds of them for sale in my area. You have triggered a digital bit somewhere and it is not to be questioned.
That happened to me once. I was selling some old audio equipment; a mixing console, an amp, some speakers, and a few other old things from the theater. It was up for a week and some FB bot auto-flagged it for removal. Somehow, some bit of information told the AI that I was trying to sell illegal drugs. I guess "Crown 500w amplifier" must be slang for Crack in FB's AI.