The next issue has a really neat story by longtime driving coach E. Paul Dickinson about critiquing your own on-track performance. Basically, how can you serve as your own driving coach?
I'm doing the final proof, and here's one nugget I want to share with you guys. Really, this is applicable to anything:
"The beginner practices until he or she gets it right. The old hand practices until he or she can’t get it wrong."
Now the plug: Time to subscribe, renew or turn a friend onto the mag? Subscribe now and get that issue.

And why this caught my eye. Last night I was working on the bass line for Demolition Man. When I finally got it, I was like, I'm done! Now I realize that I barely started.
There is a lot of truth in that line and as you said, it doesn't just apply to racing.
Toyman01 wrote:
There is a lot of truth in that line and as you said, it doesn't just apply to racing.
Totally. Okay, I should get back to proofing.
Just finished proofing it. Yeah, it applies to a lot of tasks: autocross, track events, road racing, golf, knitting, whatever. I think you guys will enjoy it.
4/14/15 9:23 p.m.
David S. Wallens wrote:
And why this caught my eye. Last night I was working on the bass line for Demolition Man. When I finally got it, I was like, I'm done! Now I realize that I barely started.
One of the best bass riffs of all time. OF ALL TIME.
Kind of like why I get angry when I go to the library. Not for the books I've read, but all those that I won't be able to.
Appleseed wrote:
Kind of like why I get angry when I go to the library. Not for the books I've read, but all those that I won't be able to.
Totally true. Nicely put.
4/15/15 11:58 a.m.
I'm going to steal that line.
"A master is someone who has finally grasped the fundamentals."
With apologies for the threadjack, has "he or she" not destroyed the possibility of fluid writing? I get it that only a sexist pig who doesn't realize that females drive well uses "he." Can't we just go to the universal use of "she" and get on with it?
I like the universal she. And it's a neat piece. While, yes, it's mostly about track events, E. Paul shares some great life lessons, too.
Also in that issue:
200-treatwear tire test
Group B MG Metro (for reals)
Build your own engine mounts
Your first track day
How to increase the odds that your next project actually comes to fruition
E28-chassis BMW M5 Vintage Views
Porsche Cayman Tech Tips
How to pick the correct spring rates
And more stuff. JG can confirm, but pretty sure this one tops 200 pages. You all subscribe, right? 
David S. Wallens wrote:
How to increase the odds that your next project actually comes to fruition
Wow! Y'all wrote an article just for me?!!!

David S. Wallens wrote:
How to increase the odds that your next project actually comes to fruition
Where the hell was this 3 years ago?
Toyman01 wrote:
David S. Wallens wrote:
How to increase the odds that your next project actually comes to fruition
Wow! Y'all wrote an article just for me?!!!
Well, technically Andy Hollis wrote it.
4/15/15 8:06 p.m.
I've been waiting on the e28 M5 article since I saw it hinted at last year. Yay!
I've read some of EPD's work somewhere else and have almost always been struck by how relevant his words are when applied to anything one desires to do well. Some paragraphs I've read aloud to my wife and some columns I asked her to read & she has commented on how it is "just relevant".
As he explains understanding, a thing I yearn for yet possess little of, I'm looking forward to this.
gunner wrote:
I've been waiting on the e28 M5 article since I saw it hinted at last year. Yay!
It's in there. Short answer: Buy a good car now.
David S. Wallens wrote:
gunner wrote:
I've been waiting on the e28 M5 article since I saw it hinted at last year. Yay!
It's in there. Short answer: Buy a good car now.
And considering the uptick in the economy. "Buy a good car now" applies to whatever brand and model strikes your fancy.
Thats a great little quote. One of my favorites is "The key to the mastery of anything is self-mastery". Kind of along those same lines. Thanks for sharing!
moparman76_69 wrote:
David S. Wallens wrote:
How to increase the odds that your next project actually comes to fruition
Where the hell was this 3 years ago?
Don't ask how long ago they STARTED the article.