Post 4-8-4 for me, so it'll be pretty powerful.
We got 5th at FSAE Lincoln in our first year back from Hybrid. I think we did pretty well for bringing a knife to an aero gunfight.
Our car finished 13th in Acceleration, 3rd on the Skidpad, 5th in Autocross, 2nd in the Endurance race, and 8th in fuel Economy.
We got 10th in Design, 19th in Cost, and 36th in Presentation.

Our sponsors are on the side of the car - they allowed us to get this far - buy from them!
Do you have a link to the results? My school was supposed to participate, as well....
I did not know what this was so ... I looked it up.
The concept behind Formula SAE is that a fictional manufacturing company has contracted a design team to develop a small Formula-style race car. The prototype race car is to be evaluated for its potential as a production item. The target marketing group for the race car is the non-professional weekend autocross racer. Each student team designs, builds and tests a prototype based on a series of rules whose purpose is both to ensure onsite event operations and promote clever problem solving.
Good job!
The nose art was done by Scott McDermott of College Station, Texas. He does amazing work on helmets, car bodies, etc. and is accepting commissions.
Results link: Lincoln 2012 U.S. West Championship
chaparral wrote:
The nose art was done by Scott McDermott of College Station, Texas. He does amazing work on helmets, car bodies, etc. and is accepting commissions.
Results link: Lincoln 2012 U.S. West Championship
Thanks for posting the link, and congratulations!
But call me dissapointed. My school likes to brag about the FSAE-hybrid program that they are doing, and they didn't even show up. They do REALLY well on the Clean Snowmobile challenge, but nothing, nada, zilch. I even asked to be on their mailing list, to act as an alum advisor.
Formula Hybrid is a separate competition in Loudon, New Hampshire.
We won it in 2009 and 2011 then went back to FSAE because we had trouble finding electrical engineers with practical wiring experience.
Formula Hybrid 2012 Results
In reply to chaparral:
Foolish me- I saw the word hybrid in your opening line, and didn't make the full connection that you were going AWAY from that for this car... duh.
So we did compete, just not well. Go Vandals.
You finished just in front of my alma mater, Michigan State. Finishing anywhere in the top ten is really hard. Congratulations.