11/22/11 12:00 p.m.
Popped the hood on a friends car, was smoking. Ended up being the upper radiator hose had let loose on the headers. I got decent sized breath of the stuff.
I am a chronic fume breathing worrier, not to be confused with fume breathing warrior.
Anything I should be warried about?
Worry? Who wants to live to be old anyway?
Edit: In all seriousness, though, you really don't need to worry about a little thing like that.
The silicates will help reduce friction in your throat and the anitfreeze should help keeping your core tempature consistent.
Working in the business for the last 17 years I have inhaled my fair share of coolant steam. Never had an issue. Besides, the EPA would have banned coolant by now (at least in CA) if it was that harmful to inhale.
If you're posting on Teh Board here, you'll live.
11/22/11 1:46 p.m.
This guy says, "You'll be fine"

Wow. Bill Murray has gone downhill hasn't he?
One of the main ingredients in antifreeze is also an ingredient (or is that one of it's derivatives is an ingredient) in A LOT of food products.
Twisted? confused? science...
11/22/11 5:41 p.m.
Thanks guys. I also looked up the msds for prestone 50/50 and apparently combustion results in carbon monoxide / dioxide, which is nothing new. Cool!
11/22/11 7:40 p.m.
That's what all cars smelled like in the 70's.