Specifically in the Foster or Canfield section. There is a car there I would be interested in buying. The seller is an older guy and doesn't use technology much. Therefore, I have limited pictures of the car. If you're in the area and can check it out, let me know.
4/3/22 9:43 p.m.
Not in Chicago (but Steve already knows this) but Steve is good to work with, and the last time he asked I got to drive a Porsche.
I'm not familiar with foster or Canfield by name, and searching on Google maps not bringing up anything confidence inspiring. Couple of hits near O'Hare? (Which is north and west of Chicago, but maybe not what would be considered far north west.)
Anyway, I'd normally say I'm about as far as you can get from far northwest while still being "in Chicago", but O'Hare is only 45 minutes or so from me. So if you've got a better idea of exact area let me know. I could probably swing up tomorrow or Tuesday.
4/3/22 11:05 p.m.
I'm assuming you're talking about the intersection of Canfield and Foster, which I always would have assumed was Norridge, which is an enclave within Chicago (along with Harwood Heights).
Assuming that is the general area, I'm about 20-30 minutes away, but won't have any time until Saturday at the earliest.
That intersection would be in Norridge, which is definitely bordering the NW side of Chicago. I'm closer than Robbie, but still about a half an hour south of there. Let me know if you can't find anyone closer.
Thanks guys! I'm not familiar with Chicago at all, I'm just going by what he told me. Re-reading his e-mail I think you may be right that what he is referencing is an intersection. His exact words are "I live in the Far Northwest part of Chicago, the Foster/Canfield street area." I think I mistook that for reading as the Foster section, Canfield Street. Sorry. If anyone is near that intersection in NW Chicago let me know. I can give you the guy's phone number and name. He's a really nice guy. Just beware that he is in his 80s, so he likes to talk and tell stories...I mean that in the kindest of ways, he was super nice when I spoke to him yesterday.
4/4/22 9:40 a.m.
I'm close enough that I can head out there for you, but I won't be able to until Saturday at the earliest.
I sent you a pm. I wouldn't mind swinging up that way soon.
Wanted to bring this back up for two reasons. First and foremost to thank Robbie. As is usual with all the GRM folks who have helped me in my car adventures recently, he has been beyond helpful. He is taking time out of his day to go meet with the guy, bring him money, etc... Thanks Robbie for helping make this happen!! Not only that, the seller is a really good guy and anything I can do to help him makes me happy.
Second, related to this...I'm thinking about doing a bit of an adventure. Not quite the textbook definition of fly and drive, but an adventure nonetheless. Does anyone happen to be near the town of Burr Ridge, IL? By the map, its' west/southwest of Chicago? This could be fun...or scary...or both.
Hmmm....kinda sorta related to this, a thought occurred to me. I've tried to send those who have helped me a thank you, typically a bottle of their favorite drink (John Welsh, I owe you one). What about something GRM to recognize one another for helping each other? If any GRM staff is reading this, what would you think of creating a GRM t-shirt that says something like "I helped...uh...enabled...a fellow GRMer", or something like that? The GRM person who received the help could buy it for the member who did the helping? I don't know, just an idea....
4/8/22 9:12 a.m.
In reply to SKJSS (formerly Klayfish) :
I'm about 20-40 minutes from Burr Ridge, depending on what part of town you're referring to. It is a very nice, wealthy area. My wife used to work there.
I'm about 35 minutes west of Burr Ridge too
You're killing me Smalls! What did you buy?
Thanks for the kind words and the shout out. Its enough.
It does give me a humorous thought that we should have little GRM digital merit badges.
Own a Miata, get badge.
Do a fly/drive, get badge.
Enable, get a badge
Engine swap, stock badge
Engine swap, non stock badge
Engine swap, unholy union badge
Some of this also intertwines with the fact that I see Margie and the den mother of this little troop we have.
akylekoz said:
You're killing me Smalls! What did you buy?
Another Fiero....I can't help myself.
GPz11 (Forum Supporter) said:
I'm about 35 minutes west of Burr Ridge too
Any Burr Ridge guys on GRM?
My F-I-Law lives one street (Willow Springs) next to Burr Ridge and when visiting him I see some sweet cars driving around.