Keith Tanner wrote:
Or because you want the correct answer straight from the source. Every kit car registered in Maryland ended up at the MVA at some point, and they're the ones with the rule book. The suggestion to talk to the troopers is an excellent one as well.
No, they did not. Tag and title services here are fully empowered to act as agents of the MVA, and directly issues tags and titles themselves. You avoid the MVA completely using them.
Even years ago when tag and title services merely acted as consultants, they regularly got vehicles through that otherwise were rendered untaggable or untitleable.
BTDT, quite a few times.
As far as getting a "straight" answer from an MVA office, you will get a different answer from each different clerk you speak to. BTDT as well.
My best MVA drama example would be the fun I had getting tags for my first Spitfire. Spent thee days with the Glen Burnie MVA office trying to get my historic tags. They insisted, among other things:
(1) That I provide them a copy of a letter from Triumph, to me, stating that they are out of business.
(2) That Triumph never made a car known as a Spitfire. Triumph only made the TR3. Spitfire were either made by a company known as Spitifire, or they were custom built. Either way, they insisted my title was fraudulent since it claimed the maker was Triumph.
(3) That I drill off and bring in the VIN plate from the car. Seriously. That one almost got me arrested.
After three days, I was removed from the premises by a State Trooper. The only reason he didn't arrest me was because one clerk finally admitted that I was in fact told to drill the VIN plate off and bring it in. The trooper was rather gob smacked by that.
Glen Burnie MVA flatly refused to tag my Spitfire. At best, I could try again next year when the car was 21 years old (never mind that the law says 20 years old). But only if I could prove Triumph made a Spitfire. Otherwise I would have to go through the SVA inspection for a custom hand built car, with documentation on the building of it. A god damn Triumph Spitfire!
I finally got smart and went to a different office (Harford county was known to be helpful at the time). Walk in, hand her the paperwork and photos. She says "pretty car" and gives me my tags. Less than 10 minutes.
Both were MVA offices, both were official answers.