Early S or V40 is a pretty decent choice.
All the little automatics have gotten better in the last decade or two. As long as its got an overdrive, and doesn't shift like a Tempo, it will be fine. The Tempo/Topaz/Escort automatic always seemed to me like it had a 19:1 first gear and about a 1.2:1 second. I think the early Focus used the same box, maybe.
12/16/14 6:52 p.m.
Oh wow, I forgot those 80s Fords. The Escorts were atrocious. Felt like the engine would wind out and then slam down to idle. Like driving a manual trans Ranger but only using 1,3, and 5.
There are some cars I don't really miss, and those Escorts were most of them.
You know, I probably should not mention that VW spells automatic with a D, S, and a G since about 2005 or so, for transverse models.
So um, you never really mentioned a budget. And you want at least a big 4 cylinder because once you pack that car full of bodies it's going to be really slow feeling.
My vote is Maxima or Buick 3800. EDIT: or that Volvo you just posted.
12/16/14 7:32 p.m.
In reply to ebonyandivory:
Probably needs coils.
Mine throws a pending 420 every now and then but it goes away just as quickly. OTOH mine's at 208k.
Magnaflow makes a high-flow cat that retails for under $300. I may go that route if it turns into a hard code. I certainly would not get the Upsolute tune that puts it at 200hp T4 spec and also doesn't look at the catalyst as closely. That would be wrong.
BTW - If you get serious, it will be my nature to tell you all the things that suck about the car. That way you get fair warning. Buy thread here: http://grassrootsmotorsports.com/forum/off-topic-discussion/that-moment-when-you-realize-youre-all-over-the-map/92156/page1/ and a little bit of an aftermath thread here: http://grassrootsmotorsports.com/forum/off-topic-discussion/i-won-emissions-testing-content/96173/page1/
I've got 2k on it since purchase and I found a driving position that doesn't hurt so much anymore, and I figured out the "hidden features" where you can make the heated seats come on automatically below a certain temp, make the rear defroster (and heated mirrors, oooo) come on automatically, and DISABLE THE DRLS. Biggest gripe right now is that the roofline doesn't slope down to the back, so any time I have some... "person".... behind me in a truck/SUV/minivan at night, the inside roof of the car is lit up by their headlights and this makes it hard to see. OTOH the headrests are nice and tall so it is easy to aim the rearview mirror so I see the passenger headrest, which boresights the glare straight back at the truckist.
In reply to clutchsmoke:
Yeah, I was pretty vague with budget. I used a 2003 Neon as a standard. I'd like to stay around $3k at the high end.
5 passengers will be seldom and rare but a sure thing occasionally. Three of them are children 4, 8 & 12 and my wife is tiny but you make a valid point nonetheless.
I really want the simplicity and size of a 4cyl engine and the car it comes in.
Easily 90% of my driving is to and from work which is 10 miles in either direction and there's only about a half-mile of straight road, the rest is curvy, hilly, winding roads that are 35 mph zones and at 5:30am I do 45-50 mph. I'd like that time to be "fun".
Keep in mind I try to make it fun in an old, slow, heavy, underpowered 4x4 so any of these choices will feel less like riding a hippo down the rapids than the old Ford does!
I'm not asking for too much am i?
Anyone have a link to modifications on the first gen V40? I have always like those.
12/16/14 7:55 p.m.
ebonyandivory wrote:
Keep in mind I try to make it fun in an old, slow, heavy, underpowered 4x4 so any of these choices will feel less like riding a hippo down the rapids than the old Ford does!
Volvo pro: It essentially shares the same chassis as the Evo III. Evo III suspension bits will bolt on, at least, as will brake parts/upgrades. Control arms look identical to US-market 90's Mirage except for lacking the swaybar mount (attaches to struts on S40/Evo III).
Volvo con: Nobody makes decent suspension for it. You can buy $2000 coilovers or you can buy $1000 Malaysian questionable-quality coilovers since apparently old Evos go to Malaysia to die, Japanese tuners have all but disavowed their existence. I bought a set of Bilsteins for the car to replace the OE stuff (plus one strut had rusted in half... well, it IS twelve years old) but they don't make HDs for this chassis, had to get twin-tubes. Oh well.
S40's sure seem to be a lot of car for the money!
I have a found a decent looking (minus the missing head gasket) V40 in dark blue. They want $1350 which is nuts for a dead, orphan car. I am planning to feel them out. 
12/16/14 8:41 p.m.
Knurled wrote:
You know, I probably should not mention that VW spells automatic with a D, S, and a G since about 2005 or so, for transverse models.
DSG: The only automatic transmission I've driven, in a reasonably priced car, that I might be able to commute in every day and NOT think that it could be more enjoyable to just stab myself in the eye with a ball point pen...Regardless of how good the rest if the car is.
I actually have no problem with self shifting transmissions. Just ones that that don't drive the way I would, especially at light to moderate throttle. Unfortunately, both of our otherwise excellent current cars fall into this category. 
I can get a 2006 Kia Rio for the price of a 2001 Corolla.
There were a couple votes for going Korean...
And I like stripped-of-options cars that are mechanically sound with crappy fitment and interior build quality.