Great latest issue guys. A request for a follow up article or at least some more details as Google is failing me. In the UTCC the 3rd place finisher was a very cool looking homage to a March IMSA/GTP car based of a late model modified. It set some great times compared to the very high dollar purpose built race cars. I know a late model modified is a purpose built race car, but they are very specialized to dirt ovals and I’d love to know what was done to make it work in such an alien environment. Plus how he developed the bodywork etc., especially as it mentions that it has recently been in a wind tunnel and produces some serious down force. I think a standalone article on this would be really cool. 600+hp, 2,800lb (that’s 4.6lb’s/hp) plus lots of down force on a budget with cheap simple parts seems the ultimate grassroots toy.
Alternatively, or in addition, there seems to be a fair number of stock car chassis showing up at the UTCC, in hill climbs, in vintage racing etc. How about an article on buying and converting a stock car chassis for race car use. I believe there are a number of different basic chassis for stock cars, road course, long track, short track etc. How about a how to on buying, what to look for, what the running costs are etc. etc.
We often (me included) look down at various stock car and circle track cars, but the truth is that they offer outstanding bang for the buck, after Tom and I did the NASCAR school I can’t help thinking that an old stock car could be a fast, relatively cheap and very safe track toy in the future.