That's right, The World's Worst Custom Corvette hails from Evansville, IN!!!!
That's right, The World's Worst Custom Corvette hails from Evansville, IN!!!!
Dragon-vette! The burnout-inator.
I wonder what all those papers are on the passenger seat. Perhaps an interesting insight into the life of whoever the hell thought this was a good idea.
I'm hoping this guy found a wrecked C6 and just thought he'd have a little fun with it...but I have a feeling he is just mentally unstable.
It would be comical to see this done to a C4 but a C6!?
I"m hoping there's some sort of joke here...thats a pretty new car. Where does somone that dumb get that much money?
Somehow I missed the story part of the article. Here it is if you did the same.
And here's what that horrid creation used to look like, if you're too lazy to read the article.
Some people just shouldn't be allowed to own a JC Whitney catalog.
With the closing of Whirlpool and other factories; these Evansville guys need something better to do.
Customize Corvette's. Sweet
Do these people who put this crap on cars actually think it looks good.
I mean is this like that 450lb woman a Walmart wearing a size M tights and shirt who looks in the mirror in the morning and says DAMN I look HOT.
Do they seriously while sticking on the chrome "accents" step back and admire there handiwork going.. Man I just improved the looks of this bland no style corvette 100000X?
I can maybe understand the crappy looking rims some people do, you know the ones, the Pontiac Grand Ams rollin on 20" rims that look like those ridiculous Visor sunglasses form the 80's, I mean that's just personal taste, whatever. But the Chrome portholes on you BMW, and the nudie girly chrome stickers etc. are just stupid. They NEVER look good. I've never seen an vehicle whose apperance is improved by aplication of 6" of reflective plastic errr Chrome along the door bottoms (possible exception all cars manufactured prior to 1950). That "Chrome" fender trim has no place on any vehicle. Chrome tailight covers on Corvettes.. the list goes on and on. I'm not saying this is one of those my tastes are just different things, I mean have you EVER seen a car with crap from that one Aisle at Autozone that looks improved?
better than what my town is famous for lately...the Hutaree group was based only a few miles from where I live.
Good thing I'm not really a huge Corvette fan anyway, or I might actually be upset a little.
Unfortunately I am a Camaro fan, and there is a fair amount of debauchery in that community.
Adrian_Thompson wrote: The dragon car is so bad and OTT it has to be ajoke of some kind. The red one is just bad.
They're actually the same car. The pics of the car when it was red was stage 1 of awfulness. The Dragon is what happened when he pulled out all the stops.
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