So, the wheels that were on the old E30 that I sold, the kid is replacing - and I really do like the wheels, not quite sure if I like them enough to bring them home again.
I had the straightened when I put them on the car years ago, but, because my beautiful, talented, really smart daughter was HORRIBLE to the vehicle, I know at least one wheel will need straightened again.
I'm only 75% certain I want them back, but probably less than 50% if I can't put them on the Miata and auto-x on them occasionally - all of which means even if I can get them back for a price I'm willing to pay, plus repairs, I still might not get them.
Could they "safely" be auto-x'd on if repaired again?
Why not?
Heck, given that they are BMW wheels, and thus probably made with metallic peanut butter, "straightening" them probably entails placing two thumbs on the bent bit and pushing hard.
I should clarify aftermarket wheels - quite old. Centra Type 11, I think, and I believe it was actually made by Ronal, but that's going from memory.... if it matters that much....
What's the worse that could happen ?
3/20/18 8:25 p.m.

Not a chance...
That didn't help, did it..
Hell, we have a customer who has bent the same wheel on a Vett about five times, getting coffee I am told. We keep sending them out to a local shop and the come back straight with no vibrations or cracks.
I thought I'd read that repeated heating and bending weakened the aluminum, was the reason I asked. I thought with steel, as long as it wasn't cooled excessively quickly, it maintained it's "original" properties.
If aluminum stays "malleable" no matter how many times it's heated/bent back in to shape, then I wouldn't wonder.
In reply to OldGray320i :
You are correct on the material properties of aluminum. That said, slight weakening may still be within limits of the abuse you are putting on it in autocross.
Is it weaker? likely Weaker enough to make much difference? hard to tell.
You running street tires or R comps? Is your lot rough enough to be like banging kerbs at the track? that would make a difference.
Likely fine, but no guarantees. I have seen new, never damaged chinese wheels fail without a bump at an autocross, I would bet your repaired wheels would be stronger than those were brand new.
In reply to Apexcarver :
No guarantees in life - but there can be a preponderance of the evidence.
Most they'd ever run, when I get to that point, is 200tw. Auto-x lots I run are pretty smooth.
I shall ponder more, then decide.
In reply to noddaz :
I think the second car had a cannon in the trunk.
First one had something else.
New Reader
3/22/18 12:27 a.m.
You can always just inspect them for cracks somewhat regularly.