This press release showed up everywhere today:
-- Tracking Down the Cure -- A Prostate Cancer Awareness charity event -- Great news everyone! Hooked on Driving has asked us to host an autocross course on Saturday September 10th, from around 11am-3:30pm, during their event "Tracking Down the Cure". The event is a charity to spread awareness of Prostate Cancer. The Hooked on Driving team will have a track day, but also will be giving ride-alongs to people on the track for donations, doing paced parade laps, as well as silent and live auctions. We are adding the autocross to fund-raise, and also will be giving ride-alongs for donations, and if people want to they are allowed to join the autocross as well. THERE IS NO REGISTRATION - the course will be open all day, and you may come and run and leave as you please. You may take some of your runs, then rest and hang around, then run some more. We will charge $2 per run on the course, and every 10 runs you buy, you get 2 free. $20 = 12 runs; $40 = 24 runs. The course will utilize half of the south paddock - trust me, we have done this quite a few times and its a blast! What this means is that the runs are 20-30 seconds long, so 12 runs isnt that excessive, and I guarantee you'll want to do more than you do at your average autocross! We will have people coming over to watch and take ride-alongs, and if they want to they are allowed to drive their cars for the same $2 price. They will pay $1 per ride-along. This is a non-competition event, which means it will be extremely laid-back. There is no registration, no formal tech, helmets ARE required (some loaners will be available), and passengers can ride along with anyone they want, (instructional ride-alongs for first timers will not be charged the $1). This is a fantastic event and we are honored to be asked to set up a course during it. So, take off your competition hats, jump in the car, and come donate a little time, money, and tread to a great cause! If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at
I'll be there the whole time with the Cobra. It's only $1 if you want a ride, or $2 if you want to drive yourself. Sounds like fun and for a good cause!