So, we're shopping for a remote start at BestBuy today. Figured I'd check on here if anyone has any reviews of preferences on brands or products. The Viper branded ones seem to have pretty decent review across the internet regardless of which ones you buy along the product range. A lil cheaper on the spectrum are the Avital ones. I like Clarion products, but the ones that they carry are online order only, and we're going to buy and install today...not gonna wait for it to ship. I really don't care, one way or another. SWMBO has gift cards to BestBuy so we're going to be going there later today. Just wanted to bounce it off some GRMers...thanks!
btw...heres the one's BestBuy has in our price range right now...
Just make sure an experience person is doing the install out at least helping. Best buy doesn't like soldering, and thats the only way I suggest it.
I had one guy severely berkeley up the alarm in my car once. (not a best buy employee)
Maybe you can adapt this system:
Seriously, do you have factory security? If so, make sure your kit is capable of being recognised by it.
I've been slowly installing a Python 1401 (Same as Viper 5101), first remote start/keyless entry I’ve ever installed. I consider myself pretty knowledgeable in automotive electronics, but I’ve got about 10 hours into the install, working off and on after work, and still don’t have everything working “just right.”
I’ve got a .pdf of the ENTIRE wiring diagram of my car, which helps, as well as the help of what I can find online, but not having access to a dealer/installer’s exact wiring locations has had me probing A LOT of wires in attempt to find the right one. If I had it to do over again I’d take it to a reputable installer.
Other kind folks have listed their experiences on forums; what and where the wire you need may be, but: Yellow/Gray wire in Driver Kick Panel, is NOT a good enough descriptor of the wire you’re looking for. Do you have any idea just how many different Yellow/Gray wires are in the Driver Kick Panel?