1988RedT2 said:
One of the "downsides" of owning many cars simultaneously is that no one car accumulates a lot of miles.
Not driving to work daily does it too. Pre-COVID I was typically putting 12 - 15k miles a year on my DD (and I did once put 25k on the Jeep in a year). Now my annual mileage is more in the 7 - 8k range. In the last 11 months since its last state inspection I've only put about 6500 miles on the BMW.
stafford1500 said:
Heres to modern cars and the reliability we have come to expect from our motorized companions!
And here's to ragged but faithful old buckets that refuse to give up.

I bought this '79 Corolla decades ago at around 140,000 miles. Very shortly after purchase, it got pressed into service earning its keep as a delivery car and racked up better than 30k miles a year for five years. I rattle-canned it in suede blue with a flat black hood, played with thr suspension a little, went through many sets of wheels, autocrossed it, picked up the then-future Mrs Monohue for our first date in it, and finally sold it with somewhere around 310,000 on the (broken) odometer.
God bless the humble 2T-C.
12/21/24 1:19 p.m.
My '03 Tacoma is about to hit 190k miles.