I couldn't love GRM the magazine or the website more, and believe me, I don't like to be the P.C police or anything or the guy who has a problem with everything thing, but I do have a problem with this...
I find it a bit offensive that you use terms like “MULTIMETER” etc etc... for your little descriptions or whatever in the avatars. I myself do not have ENERGY, nor am I a SOLDERING teacher or ELECTRIC TAPENICIAN, but I feel sensitivity for people with VOLTAGE as I am a student taking ELECTRIFYING classes, and my Girlfriend is pursuing her masters in the field.
These terms although I'm pretty sure are not even real words, are obviously meant to resemble the words used to describe people with AMPERAGE impairments, and it appears that they are used on these boards in a joking sense which, as I view it, makes light of people who are afflicted with GROUND LOOP disabilities.
Yowza, some good old fashioned smack talkin'. The tattooed clown stalker came out of the gate HARD, too. 
John Brown wrote:
...and it appears that they are used on these boards in a joking sense which, as I view it, makes light of people who are afflicted with GROUND LOOP disabilities.
As someone who does live sound, I can vouch for the fact that ground loop is a serious problem that deserves real consideration 

But anyway...
The Williams-BMW FW25 used to be at the top of my list of vehicles I want to drive, but I think the Bezerkeley might top that list now. And can I just say that when I saw you guys built a diff from scratch, (my roommates can tell you) that I jumped up from my seat and began pacing around yelling "Holy E36 M3 goddamnit what the hell these guys are crazy ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!"
Tom Heath
Production Editor
9/24/08 10:15 a.m.
fastclown wrote:
I look forward to seeing the turd' run/walk/crawl and I hope you'll be hosting a multimeter or a soldering iron class sometime during the weekend so the rest of us can maybe build a car like that one day.
I'm not much of a teacher. If you're really struggling, I'll tell you where you can put your soldering iron for safekeeping...
fastclown wrote:
I'm personally tired of the same old formula, design/cut/weld/grind design/cut/weld/grind design/cut/weld/grind design/cut/weld/grind design/cut/weld/grind.
If we had the luxurious 5-year project car pace that the Minissan took, we might be able to design and redesign all of the components until they were ideal.
Instead, we'll have a dozen projects going on concurrently while grown men with funny pants and artificial noses flex their blow-muscle. 
9/24/08 11:15 a.m.
If I lend Tom the P71 to push-bumper the clown car into oblivion, do I get some free schwag? 

I'll donate a Hong Norr shirt and a six pack of natty.
I'll give you money to buy schwag.
^^Aren't you in school??^^
I don't know about you guys, but I'm really interested in seeing the Ninny run. I mean, it's so pretty, and shiny, and sparkly and stuff. Gee, I hope it doesn't get dirty. Do the judges at the Hot Import Bling Shows deduct for bugs on the windshield?
It's kinda like a funny car, only it isn't funny. I guess it is a perfect clown car.
Marjorie Suddard wrote:
^^Aren't you in school??^^
I'm on my phone, which is on the bus with me.
So the appropriate answer would be "No."
Yes. By the way, Mom, aren't you at work?
Tommy Suddard wrote:
Yes. By the way, Mom, aren't you at work?
Somebody's gonna get a big talkin' to tonight! 
"No Berzerkely for you! One Year!" - Margie
Oh and Tommy, mom will likely remind you that this board is part of her work, so you're not exactly on firm ground there lil' dude.
Oh and anyone below the age of 21 that has a web-capable phone, likely paid for by their parents, sucks, IMHO.
Especially since I don't have one. Mostly because paying for internet service twice just irks me a little. Though the G1 does look interesting.
9/24/08 3:47 p.m.
Hey Tommy, I can hide you in the P71's trunk to escape becoming part of the patio while it's being used to squash clown cars! 

Gas money anybody? I'm up for a road trip cross-country! 
You must be joking, I thought a P71 was a plane, not a boat! I'll even put up money to see that pile of American embarrassment try to catch Minissan. You would have to get Minissan while It's parked with nobody in it. The only way those doughnut haulers catch cars like mine is with a radio or a helicopter. Spend $6,000 in gas and bring it! 
Tom, the one that isn't Tommy, are you actually playing the "We're to busy to build a car that's fast right out of the box" card? How much time would one need, even as a group, to build something that can beat a clown car that was built in a 2 car garage with basic tools. You would be able to thank all your sponsor contacts for the neat stuff you get, while I thank corporate America and the US government for turning their back on the youth which gives me A LOT of free time to play with Minis (cheap plug to follow) www.GodSaveTheClown.com
Just think, if my prevention campaign was going I wouldn't have time to bother you guys.
I know... you'd miss me...
9/24/08 5:49 p.m.
As many a Portland area Porsche 911 owner can attest, my P71 is DAMN fast from 70-130. Go ahead and try to escape on a highway... 
For all the smack talk and B.S., I think the least the magazine should do is give the clown a free ad. If we have to, I'll donate to make it happen......anybody else think what Mike is/was/ wants to do is worthwhile?
New Reader
9/24/08 6:41 p.m.
There was an article on him in the last issue that included his website. Back into my hole...
fastclown wrote: ... you'd miss me...
Well, it seems everyone has missed you so far....
Tom Heath
Production Editor
9/24/08 7:40 p.m.
fastclown wrote:
Tom, the one that isn't Tommy, are you actually playing the "We're to busy to build a car that's fast right out of the box" card?
Out of the box? Where would one purchase the (leap of faith claim, but I think I'm safe...) fastest front-wheel-drive motorcycle powered car evarrrrrrr?
The Berzerkeley was built from scratch in Denny Crabill's garage. It's a nice garage, but hardly the Garage-mahal you're trying to paint it out to be. Besides, if it were in production and they were sold complete in a box, some clown would probably put a Mini body over it backwards and claim they were some sort of badass fabrication ninja.
fastclown wrote:
How much time would one need, even as a group, to build something that can beat a clown car that was built in a 2 car garage with basic tools.
Less than 5 years. How long did Minissan actually take? Measure it in man-hours, and we're waaaayy ahead.
fastclown wrote:
You would be able to thank all your sponsor contacts for the neat stuff you get, while I thank corporate America and the US government for turning their back on the youth which gives me A LOT of free time to play with Minis (cheap plug to follow) www.GodSaveTheClown.com
I'll let you look for all the freebies on the car. It won't take long, really, since the Berzerkeley is really small, and there aren't any freebies to be found.
fastclown wrote:
Just think, if my prevention campaign was going I wouldn't have time to bother you guys. I know... you'd miss me...
So you're just waiting for a government and/or corporate handout so you can fulfill your life's ambition? Good luck with that, I guess we'll be seeing you a lot. 
Keep trying, clown. 
fiat22turbo wrote:
"No Berzerkely for you! One Year!" - Margie
Oh and Tommy, mom will likely remind you that this board is part of her work, so you're not exactly on firm ground there lil' dude.
I know that the board is part of her job. I was just kidding.
-Tommy (aka lil' dude)
Yeah same here.... forgot the emoticon