The Fiberfab Jamaican is still about the only kit car that I'd give garage space to.
Here is a recent magazine article on my car - let me know what you think.
Anything sold by CMC from South Florida. Absolute junk.
carguy123 wrote: For worst kit, it would be anything with a VW chassis & suspension. They gave kit cars such a bad reputation that even today people sneer at a kit car. I think a kit car could and should be better than a factory offering, but the VW based ones were so bad that the whole genre still has a black eye.
Meyer's Manx excluded?
Does anyone remember the kit car that Car & Driver magazine did back in late 70's or early 80's?
They put a V-8 into, it used a flipped Corvair trans axle with an adapter to make it mid-engine.
It had a Ferrari looking body and I think a pretty good tube chassis.
They were trying to crack the 200 mph barrier with it but never went over 199.
They ran a series of articles on it then dropped it.
I think Patrick Bedard had something to do with it.
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