She's headed to the track, driving my F350, towing a trailer with a golf cart in it.
She is on the side of I26, an hour from home, changing a trailer tire.
She's the Race Chair for the SCR-SCCA Club race this weekend.
She's not happy about it, but she's getting it done.
3/27/15 2:05 p.m.
Sounds like a keeper. Worship as required.
You owe that girl a night out !!
3/27/15 3:24 p.m.
WOW - and I was happy that mine is leaving me to my Rabbit project for the weekend.
You need to edit that so that it reads better to the tune of "Short Skirt, Long Jacket".
My wife would be on the phone calling me to come change it.
I was at home, waiting on the kids to get home from school, so I could follow her up. She was on her own for a couple of hours.
Definitely a keeper, that one.
snailmont5oh wrote:
You need to edit that so that it reads better to the tune of "Short Skirt, Long Jacket".
Nice "Chuck" reference, perfectly appropriate.
Yes, your wife is the bomb! That's from the RE of the adjoining Buccaneer Region SCCA.
Yeah, keep that one happy. Rare breed. You know running out and getting her favorite candy and wine might not be a bad idea...
Duke wrote:
Sounds like a keeper. Worship as required.
I know her … she's defiantly a keeper

Day one is in the books, successfully. Now to get through day two.
snailmont5oh wrote:
You need to edit that so that it reads better to the tune of "Short Skirt, Long Jacket".
It's already there.
She's headed to the track...driving my F350
She is on the side of I26...changing a tire.
She's the Race Chair...for the Club race this weekend.
She's not happy about it...but she's getting it done.
I like a girl with a race suit and a seeeeeeeett of sockets.
[cake] Ohhhh no! Awwwww yeah! No! No, no![/cake]