Been lurking for a while as my Sprite project has been a slow go. Most of it due to health.
Last night the wife came home and gave me some news about our Home Owners insurance renewal. The current policy covers everything in the garage, even the dismantled Sprite, 3 Motorcycle engines, 3 frames, another engine and transmission for the Sprite as well as other sundry Automotive parts.
The NEW policy which goes into effect in a month and a half, has an exclusion for coverage of "Automotive Parts". Explanation given is that it excludes coverage for any of the motorcycle parts, disassembled cars, spare tires...etc., you see what I am getting at.
This leaves us about $5-7K under insured in a month and a half...
So I have been trying to wrack my brain to think of what company would write a rider/under insured policy that would cover everything automotive/motorcycle related in the garage as a separate policy?
Ideas? Suggestions?
4/18/09 3:19 p.m.
I know my parents home owner's insurance (Erie Insurance) doesn't cover automotive parts. I get fire and theft insurance on my project cars while they sit in the garage; it's cheap insurance... 
4/18/09 5:36 p.m.
J.C. Taylor and Hagerty among others can help. Flip through a Hemming's for all of the classic/collectible/agreed value/parts insurers.
I don't have anything in my garage that is worth enough to offset the premiums so I don't care :)
Hagerty will insure your project at any stage of completion...Or lack thereof.
4/18/09 8:38 p.m.
I have nothing but good stuff to say about Hagerty.
Thanks a bunch, I will look into Hagerty.
Your bombshell is that you might be underinsured for a few weeks? Doode, you need to get a life. Sorry. Start taking responsibility for your actions, stop betting against yourself.
Or, if it makes you feel better, I bet you $500 nothing happens to your crap in the next 6 weeks.
4/18/09 10:35 p.m.
Not "for" 6 weeks but "in" 6 weeks. Insurance isn't exactly betting against yourself but more often covering against others' stupidity.
Start talking to other companies to see who will insure the projects under the auto or homeowners policies. Lots of insurance companies out there...
New Reader
4/19/09 12:47 a.m.
you also might want to look into a broker that deals with home owner ins. as well as auto ins. ect. that can just do a quick search of all ins companys to find you the best for your current situation. thats what i did with my cars through farmers and ended up gettin a renters ins. policy and saved 400 dollars a year. more ins. saved me money. how does that work?
New Reader
4/19/09 11:38 a.m.
Find a different insurance company. Al my insurance needs are bid as a package. I refuse to allow insurance companies to cherry-pick the lowest risks and stick me with the higher risks. Want my business? Then you must do ALL my business. Some stoopid exclusion like that, I'll just boot that company from the running.
Why am I worried Dr. Hess? WE are coming into fire season as the temps stay over 100F with no humidity. We have 3 Abandon/derelict houses on our block. Houses that have already been broken into and vandalized. There is a severe meth problem in Phoenix, especially in kids. Copper theft is on the rise. There are tons of things that could go wrong in one of those houses that could easily spread a fire in any direction. I asked for help here because people here would know.
I have 600 reasons a year NOT to walk away from my current insurer, I doubt it will cost that much to get someone like Hagerty to write me coverage for my project car and bikes. If it does, I want to know now, so I have enough time to figure out what is going to be less of an impact on the wallet. So if we do decide to change companies, it is before we pay out premium just to turn around and cancel the policy.
4/20/09 6:16 a.m.
I've got my '67 LeMans covered with zero-deductible comprehensive only for about $5 a year from State Farm. If you have a VIN for any of the project cars, you should be able to get similar coverage for them.