Figures...I'm in Florida ready to run Karl LaFollete's V8 MGB in the Challenge, and there's a cool auction back home that I'm missing.
The email forwarded to me identified:
Pic #1: Puma (beautiful Brazilian VW)
Pic #37, 141: International bus
Pic #38, 75: Dodge Power Wagon
Pic #40: Excalibur
Pic #41, 89: Berkeley
Pic #43: Lloyd 600
So help me out here...the second-to-last picture looks like a Corvette knockoff of some sort, or is it just a Corvette with a re-done nose??

Kind of looks like a Sterling kit car from the late 1970s / early1980s, but they had a unique flip-up hardtop - I don't think they had a convertible version. I suspect it's some other kit car from the same era, there were tons of them back then.
sterling didn't have a "flip up" top.. it was on pivots and literally raised up and forward. Not what you want if you ever rolled it.
Welcome Back Doll, been a while since I have seen you post anything around here
11/14/13 8:44 p.m.
I'm thinking that it's a Loring Designs kit:
*EDIT...I want to say Mantis...
Didn't see any Power Wagons....That big green military looking thing? WWII Chevy 1.5 ton. To bad about the A100's, roof rails are gone. Cool brush guard on the white one though 
That little red roadster thing hiding in the weeds looks interesting 
looks like a super-beetle windshield? and is too low between the front fenders to have an engine up there...
Type Q
11/15/13 2:57 p.m.
Bradley GT is what come to my mind.
11/15/13 4:37 p.m.
Sterling would be my guess too.
...and I've always wanted a Puma.