9/22/16 1:56 a.m.
I always thought the stance scene was imitating this sort of drawing style IRL:

I seriously doubt camberghini up there can even be driven over 40km/h. It's an art car, pure and simple. I'm not worried.
Those stupid lifted full-size trucks are the official state vehicle here for dimwitted 40-year-old suburban dads who have had a few kids and are trying to "take back their masculinity." They never go offroad, but every now and then one will hop the median on the only highway out of the south end of the island and shut down all traffic for hours. Give me the stance bros (at least a few of whom are actually chicks) any day.
9/22/16 5:29 a.m.
Same graduating class as the Brodozer

Driven5 wrote:
Chadeux wrote:
For some reason I can't get /that/ mad at the brodozer crowd because frankly I think this is cool.
In much the same context as the Miata and Corvette, it's cool as long as it's used exclusively for its intended purpose and not on public roads. It stops poorly, maneuvers poorly, and will impact road legal vehicles (like the one carrying my wife amd child) above the primary crash safety structure.
to clarify that truck is not a brodozer, it is a truck that was build for offroad and does well at it. A typical brodozer (or hodozer if driven by a woman) is usually a newer truck, often bought by mommy and daddy, with 24"+ wheels that are more out of the wheel well then in with some low pro mud tires on them, a suspension lift that is more for look then actual use, aftermarket tail lights and headlights with a dozen or more offroad lights. Also a giant monster sticker and flat billed hat are a must.

Just think of how much thrust load those wheel bearings are experiencing 
Ugh... Brodozers.
Brodozers are a different appearing, yet similar kind of dumb. The ones around here mash the throttle at all times, no matter what, for the chance to "roll coal" and look cool. The problem is that you aren't stopping a 7000lb behemoth which had it's suspension and steering altered by all sorts of hackery on the dinky, worn out stock brakes, bro. You have to be on high alert around here, much like looking for a runaway semi on a downward grade on the highway because these people are idiots. I've seen regular drivers get run off the road by these things.
Also, around here, we get "woods beaters" that try and drive on public roads. These are barely held together, rusted-out E36 M3boxes that people bomb around trails in. While I'm sure that's tons of fun (actually, I know it is!), keep that crap in your backyard or in a trailer and off the damn roads. I recently got stuck behind a Grand Cherokee that was so beat up that the driver's door didn't even close and the hatch was missing. It could only muster 25mph and I got stuck behind it in a long 45mph zone along with a line of traffic a half mile long. The farm tractors around here can go faster. It added 15 minutes to my trip.
Oh, and a couple months back, I got stuck behind a stanced Nissan GTR with a STAGGERED setup (on an AWD car!) that was so low that it could only do 45mph... on the highway. I don't get it.
9/22/16 9:28 a.m.
I'll add my vote for "do whatever you want with your own car as long as it doesn't endanger others on the road." These do.
If you want to lose your automotive lunch, follow this Goggle link:
extreme camber
I work for a certain diesel engine manufacturer and live in the town that is home to it. Sooo many damn diesel trucks, and a wide variety of E36 M3 done to them. The ones that catch my eye are the simple, slightly lifted, taller-tired trucks. Not these overly large diameter stacks, useless body lifts with no real travel, huge wide offset chrome wheels that stick out past the bodywork, colored LED headlights and other bullE36 M3 like Monster or Shocker stickers. Those lift kits kill your towing ability, and you sure as E36 M3 don't go offroading. All the emissions deletes spewing coal everywhere. Even the "lean tuned" deleted trucks still smell like E36 M3. Ever been next to one with your window down? I don't care how "clean" you claim that tune to be. Leaner tunes dump E36 M3 tons of NOx, and that stuff burns your eyeballs right out of your head. Especially when you're on a bicycle huffing up a hill and you get barnstormed by one of those behemoths. These trucks put down crazy torque and crazy power with the factory emissions equipment. The hell do you need an extra 100 hp for? I know, I know, the emissions stuff supposedly hurts reliability and fuel economy. I don't care, it's a 7000 lb freaking truck. If you want mileage, get a small DD. If you can afford a truck for $50k plus thousands on mods, you can afford to drive a beater civic to the grocery store when you have nothing to tow. So many people worked so hard to get you all the power you need and not kill the planet at the same time. Just why.
berkeley. I hate bro-dozers. I hate them. End rant. Thank you.
What a good revenge tactic for the shiny happy person that tries to kill you with rolling black clouds of smoke? (Besides a .357 through the back window)
In reply to ebonyandivory:
Anonymously complain about them on the internet? Sure made me feel good.
In reply to ebonyandivory:
I think that depends on how willing you are to engage in a potentially deadly confrontation, just to prove a point.
The0retical wrote:
<Stance is more likely to kill the owner,
We should be so lucky... 
OK, OK, obviously I don't want anyone to actually get killed. I don't get the hella stance either, but whatever. As long as they stay off my lawn, I'm good. Brodozers just make me laugh. Having lived down south for 2 years now, I've realized native southerners consider it to be some pre-requisite to being "a man". Guess I didn't get the memo. My favorite are the Jeep Wranglers riding up on chrome 24s and rubber band tires. Poor, poor Jeep. They always make me think of the closing credits in the first Cars movie where they're basically poking fun at brodozers (I think it was a Hummer in the movie).
You guys are right, modified vehicles are certain to kill bajillions of people on our public roadways, and bajillions more with their stinky pollutants. Maybe if we all complain loud enough we can get the government to do annual inspections nationwide and if anything is modified or altered from stock form they won't be able to get plates. Wouldn't that just be utopia.
gearheadmb wrote:
You guys are right, modified vehicles are certain to kill bajillions of people on our public roadways, and bajillions more with their stinky pollutants. Maybe if we all complain loud enough we can get the government to do annual inspections nationwide and if anything is modified or altered from stock form they won't be able to get plates. Wouldn't that just be utopia.
There's such a thing as being a decent person and not pissing off your friends and neighbors or creating an unsafe situation for the sake of your hobby.

I bet it's not actually stanced. He probably just removed the wheel and lowered the car on it like that. Especially since it's the same wheel/tire combo from the Miata. I've seen people do that at car shows.
9/22/16 11:55 a.m.
ebonyandivory wrote:
What a good revenge tactic for the shiny happy person that tries to kill you with rolling black clouds of smoke? (Besides a .357 through the back window)
Own a car faster than theirs. I hear tell thst if a dozer is getting ready to roll coal on you and you drag launch it so they get nothing but air, it really riles up the driver of said dozer and his sausage fest friends packed into the cab.
9/22/16 11:55 a.m.
In reply to The Hoff:
Agreed, I believe that's the Miata's wheel just resting under the Z06's fender as a goof. The picture was taken at an angle so you don't notice the missing lug nuts.
Please don't tell me otherwise, believing this allows me to sleep at night.
9/22/16 12:00 p.m.
A quick Google reveals no stanced corvettes. This was likely a work.
It appears the miata is just a show car, hence the loading onto a trailer video. There are plenty of stupid show cars out there, most of which are like this one and trailered to the show.
I dont care for it, but not my car. But I am seeing more and more of the camber people around.....
And I cant comment on brodozers, I drive a steel bumpered lifted truck most of the time.... Its not a full size or diesel, and actually gets in dirt almost every weekend.
ebonyandivory wrote:
What a good revenge tactic for the shiny happy person that tries to kill you with rolling black clouds of smoke? (Besides a .357 through the back window)
I've seriously considered packing some of this in my bike, for the next douchenozzle that rolls coal on me.

Stance cars are for people who are afraid to DONK.
edizzle89 wrote:
( hodozer if driven by a woman)
I dated a girl for a hot second that had an F350 like you describe.
Very Amy.
I live in the Daytona area. We can drive on the beach (for now). I'd guesstimate that 80% of the vehicles that get stuck in the sand and need help to get out are 4wd Brodozers......seriously. These asshats are so concerned about flooring it to "roll coal", that their big ridiculous trucks just dig big holes in the sand. Pulling them out also creates huge ruts--- which are lots of fun for the rest of us to navigate.
Although recently I did see a lowered, bewinged, body-kitted GT-R, get stuck in the sand. WTF are you bringing a $100K car (including mods) onto the beach to begin with? Salt is bad people.....really really bad.
In reply to Joe Gearin:
Non-stanced Miatas can handle it pretty well!