It wouldn't hurt, but I don't think he wants to piss them off.
Ben, was this the place over off Post north of 70?
It wouldn't hurt, but I don't think he wants to piss them off.
Ben, was this the place over off Post north of 70?
Swank Force One wrote: No, oil is leaking out of the gasket between the head and the timing plate. Plate is 10-180, gasket is 10-185. Gasket seals to head, head is all deformed to hell and back. Same gasket unfortunately seals against both oil and coolant.
This WILL seal a 1/4" gap. There are shops that refuse to use it because disassembly is difficult. When used as an end seal on a typical V8, for instance, you have to cut through it with a knife and then pry the manifold up with a big screwdriver... sometimes you have to reach back and cut the back section with a knife too.
Well, maybe not what you want to hear since you figure they damaged it in the first place, but have you considered taking the head back to the shop and asking them if they can fix it? Forget the blame assignment, if they can do it for less hassle than you are going to go through otherwise. It may even come up in conversation that the damage was not there when you had the original work done...
yamaha wrote: It wouldn't hurt, but I don't think he wants to piss them off. Ben, was this the place over off Post north of 70?
they screwed up his head.. why should he be afraid of pissing them off? they should be afraid of pissing him off and getting a bad reputation out of it..
worst case, he goes there and explains the story and they tell him to pound sand and never darken their door with his presence again... best case, they admit they screwed up and fix it up and make him whole again... either way, he learns everything he needs to know about that shop..
Guys i'm going to see if it can be repaired, but I'm not in the habit of making accusations in any way unless they have proof. I don't have that here. I do have two other solutions lined up if the shop says it can't safely be fixed. Whatever head goes on has to last for 5 years or.more.
Paul, it's the same place I always use.
Check E-bay for xr100 head repair. There one guy who fixes heads like this all the time. He maybe able to fix it for you at a reasonable price. I've had good luck with him as have others I know.
Fun story:
Took this head to the shop to have them cannibalize all the parts from it to put on the new head that was also damaged in shipping (but repaired).
He took one look at it, asked "Do you like this head?"
"....... Why?"
"Because i can repair that pretty easily. For you? Free."
So, yeah.
Swank Force One wrote: Fun story: Took this head to the shop to have them cannibalize all the parts from it to put on the new head that was also damaged in shipping (but repaired). He took one look at it, asked "Do you like this head?" "....... Why?" "Because i can repair that pretty easily. For you? Free." "DAMMIT." So, yeah.
so you went from 2 broken heads to 2 good heads???
brainfart... you have time to waste... bolt each on and then put the car on the dyno... which ever head produces more power....
Seems that way.
Verdict is still out on the most recent one at the moment. Won't know for sure until this coming week when they assemble for the final time. 99% sure it's good to go though.
He made me choose which head to go with this time around. There was some pretty striking differences between the two, which surprised me.
The head in this thread had a MUCH more aggressive port job than the new one. Aggressive enough that i was worried about the thin metal at the exhaust port inclusions. Intake opened up a HUGE amount and the split had a very sharp knife edge. Chambers were polished quite a bit further, but the valves were not deshrouded, and i had no proof of it being CC'd.
So... i went with the recent one.
I'm probably going to do some work to the spare myself in the future just to play around though.
Heh, as for the dyno comment... True... i can swap a head in about 1.5 hours or less. That's a possibility. IF the older head has been CC'd, i honestly think it might make a bit more power, but longevity is a concern to me with how far it's been hogged out. It's also big enough that the manifolds are definitely a restriction at that point. I'll have to take some measurements when i have them both back. This thing is HUGE.
Swank Force One wrote: Heh, as for the dyno comment... True... i can swap a head in about 1.5 hours or less. That's a possibility. IF the older head has been CC'd, i honestly think it might make a bit more power, but longevity is a concern to me with how far it's been hogged out. It's also big enough that the manifolds are definitely a restriction at that point.I'll have to take some measurements when i have them both back. This thing is HUGE.
since you are allowing me to tread down this road...
put this head on first... since you have some realistic concerns about the longevity... do a dyno run or two... and then use the other one... and see what the real world difference is....
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