Well, specifically cheap body work from 10 years ago.
My Sentra needs to be replaced, but unfortunately I'm attached to that ugly piece of steel, rubber and glass. When I bought the car in 2006 it had been rear ended and to fix it, the body man "clipped" the car, which basically means they cut it in half and attached a new, non wrecked ass onto it.
Now, I had not much tied up in the car, and it's served me well. Driven it for years, been extremely reliable, fun to drive, sounds great, and I've put well over 100k miles on it myself. I've gotten my money's worth.
Now, where the car was welded together in the floorpan, it's rusting pretty bad. All the way across, and I'm worried it'll break in half. A few months ago I bought a wrecked car for parts, but it has a clear title, and I can use my DD to repair the front. This car is just like mine, only automatic. With some rust on the strut tower.
I'm torn between fixing the car I drive, repairing the parts car, or selling everything and buying something new.
I'm frustrated, but not to the point of going off the deep end and buying a brand new car.
What car thread may be forth coming.