Is there some central site that has a database of all (or at least as many as possible) of the U-Pull-It type salvage yards around the country? My work has had me all over the place lately and I'm always trying to track down the local salvage yards to hunt down parts in my spare time, but it's often a complete crapshoot in trying to Google for them since there isn't really a category in Google Maps for them (salvage yard, junk yard, etc. often actually miss u-pull-it lots...).
If there isn't... is there some way to put together a database here that we GRMers could add ones we know about that everyone can use as a reference?
EDIT: I've started a basic crowd-sourced Google map for You-Pull It lots, and it is located HERE. It needs a lot of work, but it's a start...
More of a parts locator, than a yard locator but it can give you an idea of what part is where. I guess you could work from there to find the pick and pulls. Just a guess..........
I don't think car-part indexes the U-pull-it type yards, since they only work with yards that keep a part inventory and u-pull-it yards certainly don't.
Sadly, I can't think of a way to look up u-pull-it yards other than Google.
I'd buy that app. Fo Sho.
11/6/12 11:37 a.m.
Ashyukun wrote:
If there isn't... is there some way to put together a database here that we GRMers could add ones we know about that everyone can use as a reference?
There isn't, and it'd be tough to set up because they're always changing. However, this sounds like a perfect application for a community/crowd sourced google map! If you start one, I'll add all the ones that I know of.
I think it's called the GRM forums.
(create new topic...)
Hey, I'm in (city), (state)... where's the nearest U-Pull type yard?
Friendly GRM'er: You can go here or here, or for a little more $ take the drive out to here.
(GRMer #2) Oh wait.. a Renault Fuego downpipe? I think I have one in my garage you can have.
group hug
In reply to xflowgolf:
That does work reasonably well, but it would be nice to have a ready reference instead of waiting, and the people who might know potentially not seeing the thread. And so far I've not found anyone with a 26-spline 7.5/7.625 GM Posi sitting in their garage I can have. 
The crowd-sourced Google map idea is interesting, I've never tried doing anything like that before. I may have to look into that.
I like the crowd-sourced Google map idea.
Since it's rather slow at work, I made an attempt at starting a crowd-sourced map. It's hard to enter things properly on my iPad though, but it's a start... I'll be curious to see if others can actually add data to it...
you can start by adding these: I added my local one...
Damn, I had one that went with the malibu I sold.
I can check my local pull a part
Danser's auto parts in Blairsville PA right off route 22
Also, any way to make the map start scaled back farther so you can view the whole US? Might make it easier to navigate.
also, maybe edit your first post to include the link so it doesn't get lost in the conversation
It looks like the crowd-sourcing capability is working nicely.
I've got a lot more to add, but they'll likely have to wait until I'm home next week and can use my real computer.
In reply to xflowgolf:
Top post edited.
I'll see what I can do about the starting resolution, but it's hard to use the editor on the iPad since it's not made for it... 
Also, this thread may be useful:
In reply to Ashyukun:
sweet map! Anyone know of any of these in MO?
singleslammer wrote:
In reply to Ashyukun:
sweet map! Anyone know of any of these in MO?
Thanks! I don't know of any myself, but I'm going to start a new thread specifically about the crowd-sourced map and asking people to populate it, so hopefully people will now about ones out in MO and add them to the map!
I like the idea... would also be nice if people could have a bit of a review of them as an option...
I moved to Houston this summer rand have yet to be to any of the pick-n-pull type yards... there aren't that many and the yellow pages are about worthless...looked online but it seems most car forums are not as helpful as GRMers as they fear people finding and picking their "secret spot" clean or some such nonsense...
so good idea :)
donalson wrote:
I like the idea... would also be nice if people could have a bit of a review of them as an option...
That was one of the nice things about the crowd-sourced map that I started up- you could leave comments/descriptions. Unfortunately at least the site I picked to use had a really high cost to make it useful (about $500 for an unlimited number of data points and a useful number of allowed page-views). The map created in the other thread looks like it will work as a basic database of the yards... I'm still kicking around starting a small fundraising effort to pay for the original crowd-sourcing setup since it would be a bit nicer.