Supposedly, the jeep is being sold on Monday. Awesome, it's gone, but that leaves a need for a replacement vehicle. My 63 year old mom's vehicle to be specific, who wants a "last car" so 10-15 years at 6500 or less miles per year.and under $15k.
We were initially looking at new versa. They work, she likes them, good warranty, right price, but then I was reminded of CPO.
Nissan actually has a better warranty CPO than new. It turns out Hyundai extends the balance of the original 10 year/100k warranty with a 12 month 12k warranty IF I read the print correctly.
Sonatas and elantras, as well as Tucsons are now on the list as there are 14,15,16s available locally with less than 20k miles for under $14k. This Hyundai warranty would last the expected ownership of the vehicle at a $50 repair deductible, and knowing their quality it seems to be the way to go.
But is there anyone else to look out for? How is the Honda CPO program? A civic or accord could fit the bill if the warranty or perks were there.