Ok I know shipping is supposed to be included in the price of any part for a Challenge car, but what if the part is shipped with some parts not for the challenge car? Also what parts are not included in the budget? I know stuff like harnesses, replacement brake parts and I believe wheel bolts were mentioned as being not included in the budget after last years problems.
New Reader
2/4/12 7:17 p.m.
From the discussion following last year's event, I think that wheel bolts are still in the budget but you get DQ'ed if you lose a wheel at any point in the event.
Shipping does count but is a bit of a "grey" area. I you didn't spend additional money to get it then it doesn't count. Sort of like labor doesn't count unless you paid for it. That is my understanding anyway. I haven't seen the official rules for 2012. So far as I know the only changes that Pers has said would be done is that single page budget hand out sheets need to be available to all competitors who ask for one.
IMHO that would not count against you, the same as picking up parts while visiting friends isnt budgeted against you.
Shipping is pretty easy to figure out. I.e., if your problem is that you can't figure out how much your item cost to ship because it was bundled with other items, take said item to UPS store and ask them how much it would cost to ship it back where it came from.
Certain safety items do not hit the budget. I think the rules are pretty much crystal clear on what constitutes a safety item.
aussiesmg wrote:
IMHO that would not count against you, the same as picking up parts while visiting friends isnt budgeted against you.
That is what I was thinking.
the challenge part was some percentage of the total weight of the package.
(total shipping charge) X ((weight of challenge part) / (total weight of package)) = (shipping charge to budget for that part)
aussiesmg wrote:
IMHO that would not count against you, the same as picking up parts while visiting friends isnt budgeted against you.
YHO is wrong, aussie. otherwise you'll see this in my $2013 budget:
i bought a challenge car and a non-challenge feather pillow. i put the pillow inside the car, and had it shipped from los angeles to detroit. so i can assign 100% of the shipping cost to the non-challenge feather pillow and 0% to the car?
I don't really want to start a new thread on a challenege budget question since this is here.
What if I was legitimately given a car by a friend? Does the car need to be given a value? It looks like the finance company is going to write off a loan and not come get the car cause they are so far away. She said I can have it for the challenege for free if that happens.
PhilStubbs wrote:
I don't really want to start a new thread on a challenege budget question since this is here.
Does the car need to be given a value?
Yep. Unless you set the car up at a busy intersection with a sign saying "free car!" and leave the keys and title on the dash, it's not truly free to anyone.
No one's saying you have to pay anyone for it, but you should probably bring something like a Craigslist or eBay ad for a similar car to justify wherever you set fair market value in your budget.
Per Schroeder
Technical Editor/Advertising Director
2/6/12 1:03 p.m.
Unevolved has it right. The goal is always just good readable editorial.
That's fine, I'm just asking so I do the right thing. I will be obtaining the car for free without a sponsorship agreement. It's an 02 civic SI, so I may have a hard time finding something, but maybe I can find a CL ad for someone selling one for parts with no title or something. The car is in rough shape, its not worth much. Lol
An '02 Civic? I hope if you're entering it in the Challenge the engine isn't considered part of that. I could see around $1K for an EP3 shell, but you'd have a hard time convincing anyone a Honda with a K-series is worth less than $2K.
unevolved wrote:
An '02 Civic? I hope if you're entering it in the Challenge the engine isn't considered part of that. I could see around $1K for an EP3 shell, but you'd have a hard time convincing anyone a Honda with a K-series is worth less than $2K.
I'd say the engine in the EP3 is worth maybe... $5. What a pile.
Per Schroeder wrote:
Unevolved has it right. The goal is always just good readable editorial.
Have wheel bolts been decided if they are going to be included in the budget or are they not included?
unevolved wrote:
An '02 Civic? I hope if you're entering it in the Challenge the engine isn't considered part of that. I could see around $1K for an EP3 shell, but you'd have a hard time convincing anyone a Honda with a K-series is worth less than $2K.
Apperently you don't know anything about ep3's. They are horrible cars. The engine in those is the worst of the K series. 160hp 2.0L that revs to 7k and a 5 speed tranny that has horrible gearing for driving on the street.
There is a good chance it won't have a K in it anyway.
I'll admit, I've been out of the Civic scene for a year or two, but people were still paying four figures for a running A3. A quick CL search shows several A3 longblocks for $500-700, and even more as a "full swap."
If you can justify it, by all means. I don't mean to challenge you, I'm sorry if that came off as offensive.
No, you are fine. I'm also not trying to be an ass. I just know I would rather have a D16 than a pile of k20a garbage, but a free car is a free car.
Anyway, I got my answer. Sorry for the major thread jack.