Thanks so much everyone for your feedback and creative contributions.
Tom: heard, We will not do the original concept.
Trying to blend some of the great suggestions into something achievable for minimal budget hit/ effort and maximum effect.
How about this?

Unfortunately I won't be coming to the challenge, but I am excited to see how this thing does.
I wonder how it would look with the Swedish flag with the cross part right in front of the rear tire , running down the side kind of like like the Supra from fast and the furious had the arms on the side running down.

3/11/25 12:50 p.m.
What about this but yellow separated by the volvo blue?

Quick and dirty:

That's a little far forward for me, and leaves the back of the car looking pretty barren by contrast. I think I'd like it better with the stripe moved behind the front wheel opening. Start it down around the rocker, and then go over the hood like above.
3/11/25 1:10 p.m.
Adjust position, width, angles, etc to suit your taste

3/11/25 1:47 p.m.
Trying to follow some body lines

STM317 said:
Adjust position, width, angles, etc to suit your taste

Move the stripe forward to center it in the wheel well and then do a longitudinal stripe offset down the driver side of the hood so when viewed from above it looks like the Swedish flag. That will allow the sponsorship decals to run along the bottom of the door for all the challenge required logos underneath the meatball kind of along the rocker. It also gives it an appealing look from all directions with the stripe going up from the air dam over the hood over the cowl over the roof over the trunk it'll photograph well from the air and from all angles I also want to edit to add that you can get blue epoxy primer to do the entire car with a Fresh coat of epoxy since you plan to do that anyway. The way that I've done that in the past is you buy a white epoxy primer and the body supply shop tinted blue for you or whatever color you want
In reply to Dusterbd13 :
Looking like a BRE Datsun suddenly. Not a bad idea for a Challenge car. Might even help you win :)

In reply to maschinenbau :
We were just discussing Datsaniti last night, and the similarities of our car two yours:
- both basically chassis swapped: modern running gear under vintage tin
- Datsaniti's first Challenge run was in unfinished gray primer (ours will be too)
- Datsaniti was further developed thru the year (with power adder)
- Datsaniti got a new paint Livery and returned the next year to win the Whole thing!
So, we're looking to duplicate your fine example/performance 
In reply to maschinenbau :
Think more 90s corvette gs stripes
In reply to Indy - Guy :
While I'll be cheering you on, remember first step is beating a humble Camry daily driver with flaking clear coat 
I might actually have some leftover Rice Rod turquoise paint. Looks very similar to that patch on your door. Not sure if that's useful in the parking lot or not. Could brush it on between masked off lines.
If you bought a cheap self leveling laser that also locks into place and aimed down onto the car from the ceiling, you could draw an off-center Swedish cross onto the top of the car and then by off setting the second side of the line, mask it off and paint. Imagine the car below in Swedish blue with a nice yellow cross flowing over the top and down the sides of the car.
Kind of like this:

In reply to STM317 :
I'm liking this, highlights the body lines nicely! Leaves room for all the decals and sponsors as well!