Baxter, feel free to move to $2009 classifieds.
Charlotte NC to Detroit MI to Atlanta GA to Charlotte NC is the route for my banzai run the weekend of sep 11 - 13. Minivan with no trailer. Currently empty from Charlotte to Detroit, pretty full from Detroit to Atlanta, empty from Atlanta to Charlotte. Can take passenger or LEGAL cargo for reasonable fee. Deals available for Challengers, of course. Need to offset fuel and food costs as much as possible.
I'm not handling money for anyone but myself, so don't ask me to pick up or drop off payment for any items.
Click on avatar and choose "contact"
If you can take my entire house a few hours south of Detroit. I can't sell it for anything up here, so I may as well try to move it. It's the non-mobile type.
Now to find somethig cool for sale in Charlotte that will fit in the back of a minivan...
road trip begins in 5... 4... 3...
so far, nobody's hit me up to transport anything. your loss, bitches.

Beer in Ohio if you want a pitstop 
beer in Atlanta if you want a pitstop!
sleep in my couch in WV if you get sleepy.
road-trip summary:
Friday, up at 6:30AM, work all day, get back to the house and pack a small bag, get the road food together, hit the highway at 7PM. drive all night, get to my home in MI at 6AM Saturday. Went to bed immediately, but I swear I could feel my skin twitching from all the caffeine. Fell asleep at 7, was awakened at 7:45 by my kids. Fall Festival weekend in our hometown, so spent the day in the sun with the kids. tried to nap from 2 - 4 but couldn't sleep, maybe got another 45 minutes. Had dinner with family, then loaded the van and hit the road at 7:52PM Sat. Goal was to get to the Fort Sanders Yacht Club in Knoxville TN by 3AM Sun. Arrived at 2:45AM, hung out for a little while, then hit the road to Atlanta GA. around 4:30AM I started looking for a place to sleep. parked at a hospital and got about an hour of shut-eye, then drove the rest of the way. Got to DILYSI Dave's at about 9:30 AM Sun, enjoyed an excellent home-cooked breakfast, unloaded the van, BS'd for a while, then rolled back to Charlotte. Total mileage, 1682-ish. Total Sleep, under 4 hours. I'm fried.