So ladies and germs, what can you tell me? Should I dive into this on monday? I finally have moved into a house where I have garage space and the ol' lady gave me the ok. Only hang up, I have limited tools and experience(I'd like to think im more capable then I probably am.). So is this something I can get back on the road with hand tools by next summer on a SMALL budget, or am I biting off more then I can chew?
L20's are awesome and stupid easy to fix, they are also available in SuperSize ;) as the L24/26/28 inline sixes. Not too mention the myriad of other Nissan/Datsun motors (VG30, SR20, etc)
Do it. Have fun. Learn a bunch. Have a cool parts hauler when done.
Definitely! Fix the motor right, and that thing will run forever! (or at least until rust overtakes it). That L20 is nearly indestructible, not sure what the guy did to mess it up. I have seen L20s on Craigslist for cheap, so that's another way to go. DO IT!
Definitely. That will be a fun truck to play with. It'll accept a skyline engine and transmission while staying under challenge pricing. 
Don't worry about tools and inexperience. It's a learning mechanism. for it.
For $500 you can't go wrong. I miss small Japanese pickups, most anything these days is a lot bigger than I'd need for anything other than towing.
Anyone got a good source for datsun parts? I'm super broke and probably shouldn't but man I just can not resist this truck. I'm gonna try to check it out on Monday, then I gotta figure how to tow it home haha.
whoa... I haven't seen one with that little rust in a LONG time... and I've spent a lot of time in FL and now TX...
Would make an excellent hauler, though I can't recommend winter use.
belteshazzar wrote:
rear defrost?!?!?!
Mine has rear defrost too. That makes two I've seen.
A girl I was in the academy with had a 4x4 version and it was soooo cool. Something about that body (the truck, not the girl). Too bad being a NE truck, it had more negative space than sheetmetal but I still loved it.
NOOOO! Snatched before I could get to it! Which one of you did it?! Haha oh well the search continues.