3/19/20 5:19 a.m.
Ride out Corona in your very own Corona
1969 Toyota Corona
Brand new engine
Freshly painted
Runs fine
Who needs a lifetime supply of toilet paper when you could be riding out the viral apocalypse in style? Hell I'll even throw in a 6 pack of Corona so you can quarantine yourself from Corona in your Corona with some Corona.
Needs the vanity plate VIRUS.
Too soon?
Screaming chicken on the garage door!
Why are all the cool cars 3000 miles away?
I'm not sure I've ever seen a Corona coupe.
Wow, talk about jogging memory. I took my driving test in a white 4-door Corona. It was my grandmother's car and had an automatic so I didn't have to cram a state trooper in my '67 Triumph GT6 with a giant hole in the floorboard. Still barely passed. Then my kid took his in a Cooper S and got a 98..... Little stinker!
When my parents emigrated from England my dad brought our Austin Mini along. When it died he went out and bought the cheapest car he could find that would fit our growing family. It turned out to be a Corona wagon. Even as a small boy I remember what a giant steaming pile of goo that car was. The fact that this one has survived looking so good is truly a feat of large magnitude.
3/19/20 11:32 a.m.
Toyman01 said:
Why are all the cool cars 3000 miles away?
Because you live 3k miles from the PNW?
3/19/20 11:38 a.m.
if this is real thats a good price, Ive seen them sell for more
There was one of FB Market for $1,000 several weeks ago in Kansas City; 2 speed powerglide on a 1.5L Japanese 4 cylinder has to be GLACIALLY slow, like "Unsafe" level slow.
Still, it's a great looking car; i'd never really seen any in a good picture that isn't Murilee Martin's modified one.
Tempting and I can get a $30 flight from Baltimore right now, not sure I'd chose the spirit option. My wife almost killed me when I suggested taking a trip to Hawaii yesterday.
3/19/20 1:03 p.m.
Toyman01 said:
Why are all the cool cars 3000 miles away?
Well, 1500 miles, anyway.
My first car was a '72 Corona MkII sedan. They weren't anything special, even with a header and weber carb (the hot mods for the way back when). I've always kind of wanted another, though I'm not sure why...

That is indeed a decent price if the car is clean and rust free. I always liked the coupes.
Personalized plate CVID19 is available here in AZ...