I post the "simply" ad about the Volvo for sale (too expensive for the classifieds) after buying the Freestyle this weekend. I get a few right-away responses. Including this:
other h they induced d
Seriously. That was the E-mail. Does this guy not know how to use a keyboard? Was it someone's dog?
My guess is that these are automatically generated by some computer virus.
I had one in my Spam titled "vehicle has somehow blows..." with the body being "where you can see the car..."
I wouldn't recommend replying.
New Reader
3/28/11 4:49 p.m.
I created an email account just for use with CL ads. I get a fair number of replies that I can't definitely say are bogus, but often they turn out to be asking me to ship my item internationally. I figured it would be good to make a little effort to protect my identity and not use my normal email address.
It's surprising how many fewer scam responses I get when I just include "local pickup and cash only", or some variant of that. I'm honestly shocked the scripts are smart enough to look for that and not respond to those posts.
3/28/11 6:29 p.m.
I sold a point & shoot Canon Elf recently. One of the responses, after asking me if it included everything, asked if "that was my lowest offer".
in response to the title:
I sell on CL all the time, and if the person bothers to read the complete ad before calling it is a 100% miracle. I get so many calls asking how it runs when the ad says it doesn't or how many miles it has when I posted that in the ad.
New Reader
3/28/11 10:35 p.m.
One day when you have some time to kill, go to the "Rants and Raves" section on CL. That's where the real idiots are.....at least here in Houston.
Easily 60-70% of the responses I get from CL ads are fake/spam. They get to be blatantly obvious and I just delete them.
Some time try posting the ad with your actual email address in the body of the ad. THEN you'll see what spam really can be 
I guess I've been lucky recently knock on wood, I seem to be buying and selling a bunch of stuff on craigslist. I always price my stuff to sell but right now is a great time as people are getting rid of stuff and changing setups. I'd say around 50% of responses are spam but you get what you pay for.
I just keep getting people that offer me less than half of what I listed the car for and won't negotiate up. I'm currently trying to sell a non-running RX7, and while I'm negotiable and I'd give a good deal on the car, I am getting $300 offers for a car that would scrap out for more. Heck, for giggles, I called one of those junk men and got an offer of $500.
My smoothest car sale was one of my Accords. Fed-Ex guy asked if it was for sale, told him he could have it for $100. He offered $50, and I said that it would work. I still see his wife driving that car around every once in a while.
tuna55 wrote:
I post the "simply" ad about the Volvo for sale (too expensive for the classifieds) after buying the Freestyle this weekend. I get a few right-away responses. Including this:
other h they induced d
Seriously. That was the E-mail. Does this guy not know how to use a keyboard? Was it someone's dog?
No.. The script sends you an email, then when you respond with "Ummm What?" and then they know your real address. Helllo Boner Pills emailz..
Friday night I listed a Datsun 5-speed transmission with 3 driveshafts for $125. Last night a guy shows up on time with the exact $125 I was asking. He was so nice that I threw in a few parts that didn't sell for free.
Sometimes craigslist works well!
New Reader
3/29/11 6:39 a.m.
In reply to pete240z:
Same here, great experience. I just posted an ad yesterday for our 10 yr old/160K Highlander for $6.500. I had a dozen solid responses by noon (and several half baked ones). One guy was begging for me to sell it to him cash ASAP.
The 1st guy I responded to showed up after work, took a look and drove it literally 10 ft. before handing me a grand for a deposit. Said he'd be back with his wife to pick it up tonight.
Does Toyota really have THAT much street cred?
tuna55 wrote:
other h they induced d
Seriously. That was the E-mail. Does this guy not know how to use a keyboard? Was it someone's dog?
"Simply Volvo" were the request words for a sleeper cell. The response is a coded message instructing you to exterminate your target. You should probably be in hiding.
I have had great luck buying and selling on Craigslist. I have been able to make a far bit of extra dough on many sales by offering to deliver things like furniture and large toys like Powerwheels. You'd be amazed how many people don't have access to a truck or trailer.
I recently put my Volvo on CL for trade, but added I'd entertain reasonable cash offers. The first "offer" I got was $300 for a perfectly DDable car.
You have to wonder if that actually works on some people? If it does maybe I should start trolling CL lowballing everyone in sight.
My policy on lowball offers is to say, sure, come get it.
Nobody has attempted to take me up on it yet.
When I put up the truck for sale earlier this year, the spam/idiot to genuine people ratio was at least 2:1. Fortunately I got lucky and a young couple who desperately needed a 4WD truck was very interested and made the whole selling experience quite good.
OTOH it seems that you found a unicorn if you can get a seller to pick up the phone on the weekend around here...
3/29/11 10:18 a.m.
Here in CA, I have have a lot of success buying and selling on craigslist.
When I was in NY some years ago, not so much. I think its partially a regional thing.
3/29/11 10:41 a.m.
I sold my Toyota truck on Craigslist along with the Camaro shell. Went well both times, with real human beings attracted by the ads. Heck, the Camaro sold in about 4 hours and that's only because I posted the ad late at night.
Advertising the rear axle for an MGB, on the other hand, led to a very entertaining correspondence with a scammer. I didn't sell the axle, but I think I made him pop a gasket based on the text messages I got
Took him a lot longer to figure out I was screwing with him than it took me to figure out he was a scammer.
A lot of shady sellers out there too. A cheap S10 popped up recently, here's a timeline:
Day 1: $500, runs great. Drive it home.
Day 2: $400, runs good. Needs work. Drive it home.
Day 3: $350, rod knocking and front seal leak. But it drives!
I've also heard a few people brag about "fixing" head gaskets with the head gasket sealers they sell at Advance Reillyzone and flipping the cars like that.
That said, I have dealt with some awesome people as well.
Sold my wife's VW Passat on craigslist in 2 days. Couple came out, drove it, then came back with a bank check.
3/29/11 12:15 p.m.
It would probably sell better if GRM gave me a place to sell it - I miss our classifieds!
Still highly entertained by the weirdo responses though.
I've had really good experiences selling and buying on CL and Kijiji but I had a weird one last year. We listed my Wife's old Grand Caravan at a fair price. A guy gives me a call and drops by at the specified time. He gave the van a good going over, took it for a short drive and looked at my maintence history. He makes me a fair offer, shakes my hand and says he'll be back later that day with the money. I never hear from him until 7 weeks later when he shows up at my door looking for the van. He couldn't believe that I'd sold it after we shook hands.
just give it to me, I'm right up the road from you, problem solved.