I am finishing the Rover V8 TR4A project and ran into a problem with the water pump pulley. The car is a combination of stock parts from various years as I had to select things around the Vintage Air AC system that made it challenging. The car is using the following:
Rover 3.9 engine block and heads
Buick V6 front timing cover and water pump (aims the water pump down to clear the AC)
Rover P5 front pulley/balancer (smaller than the huge Rover pulley)
1 wire alternator
The problem is that since the engine balancer pulley is static, I need to adjust the alternator bracket and/water pump pulley locations to ensure the belt is not at an angle. The alternator and front pulley can be aligned but the water pump pulley is slightly out further than the other two belts and this misalignment is a problem. I need a pulley the same size as the one in the pictures below, but it needs to be about 1/2 deeper (as I can shim it back out to make it perfect).
So a pulley that is deeper would bring the belts into alignment (with some shims) but it only needs to be about 1/2 inch deeper. In looking at various catalogs, there are deep pulleys for a Buick 400 but are way too deep and don't clear my AC belt, so I just need a single pulley for this application. Current pulley is here.
Any ideas on how to get someone to make me a custom pulley or is there another option that I am not considering?