I am looking for a little help diagnosing a shifting problem I found today while out autocrossing in my 94' Integra. I don't know if I created a new problem today or just stumbled across it since I was pushing the car harder than the daily drive to work.
After winding out in first gear I had trouble getting into second, I would get trapped in neutral for a second or two holding the clutch pedal down and then the car would shift. I didn't grind any gears when this happened, but I couldn't select other gears either. Back in the staging lanes I could shift fine from gear to gear with the engine off and the clutch down. I checked the clutch master cylinder fluid level and it wasn't low, but that doesn't mean it isn't part of the problem. I seem to be able to shift, just not in a timely fashion. The clutch, master, and slave are probably all original to the car, and while the clutch is worn is does not slip yet.
Where should I start looking?
Bad motor / trans mount? Your Integra has a rod type not a cable shift linkage right? Bad motor or trans mount could move stuff out of alignment when driving hard. Shifter bushings themselves?
Does double-clutching allow it to shift quicker? That could point you toward an interneral/synchro problem vs. an alignment/mount one.
Check engine mounts, what do you run for trans fluid?
i totally read the subject wrong, and thought the E36 M3 filter was broken.
My drive to work today wasn't the smoothest either, sometimes I couldn't get any gears but no noticeable grinding of gears either.
A look under the dash shows a greasy/leaky shaft for the clutch master cylinder which I think is my problem. The fluid level doesn't look to have dropped much but it must not be putting out enough pressure.
Try bleeding it, if it gets better for a short time, or wont bleed right, its hydraulics.
6/4/13 8:35 a.m.
I suspect a syncro's been damaged.
My Protege5 was like that, disassembled rod linkage, greased appropriately and reassembled with correct torque/tightness and it felt like silk thereafter.