Anybody have experience with Discount Tire Direct. I've been really happy with Tire Rack over the years, but DTD has some great deals on Miata wheel/tire packages right now.
Probably my main concern is that their "exclusive" brand wheels (generic is probably a more apt description) are poorly made and/or weigh 40 lbs each. I am sure someone here has bought from there. So tell me all about it.
a bud of mine is running a set of 11lb falken wheels he got from them, he loves them, I can't speek for store brands
I prefer them to Tire rack, but I rarely buy wheels. With TR I always have to jump through hoops to get exactly what I want. DTD has much better customer service IMHO.
10/6/10 3:46 p.m.
Flyin' Miata is a Tire Rack dealer. Tell us what you want, we'll get it for you.
The "house brand" wheels (such as TR Motorsports at Tire Rack) are usually made by one of the major manufacturers. Hopefully DTD can at least tell you the weight of their wheels - if not, that's a big warning sign right there.
New Reader
10/6/10 6:18 p.m.
I've bought about five sets of tires from DTD over the last four years. Every time, they shipped the correct tires, the tires came quickly, and the shipping was free. Each time, I got exactly what I wanted, and I saved about $80.00 over TR (due to the free shipping). Tires for the truck, the Miata, the MINI... all the same results.
I also bought a set of close-out Enkei wheels to stick on my '94 Miata after driving through a mud/rockslide in the dark (I was broad-sided by the mudslide as it came down the hill). Again, free shipping, and the wheels (16 x 7) were about $85 each. Fantastic!
Always had good experience with DTD. Bought a few sets of tires from them and because of the free shipping are usually cheaper than TR. Sometimes go with TR because they have the tire I want and DTD doesn't. haven't bought rims off of either though.