3/14/22 11:12 a.m.
I tried to change one of the accessory belt pullies and found out the bolt for the upper one would not clear the body, so I wanted to change the engine mount since the engine seemed to be lower than it's supposed to be. So, I took it out, installed a poly bushing, and now I can't get it back in.
There is a bracket that attaches the mount to the body that is held on with 4 studs, the mount is attached to the bracket with 2 bolts, and the mount is attached to the engine with 4 bolts. The mount is clearly made to be bolted to the engine before it's put in the car, but obviously that's not reasonable, but I can't figure out the order to put the bolts back in because every way I try to do it there is something in the way of something else.
It's simple enough that the Bentley manual and 100 projects for your Boxster book just gloss over it, but it's beyond what I will ever be able to figure out. Has anyone ever done this before and have any suggestions?
I wish I was better at solving problems like this, but some things I can do easily, and others I get stuck on something that isn't even stupid question on the internet level and I have a choice of either just giving up and selling the car (or whatever other thing I am trying to work on) or find out from someone else what I am missing.
It's been a minute but I'm pretty sure I remember starting with the engine low, loosely bolting the mount to the engine, and then lifting it up into place and attaching to the body, then tightening everything down. On mine the body side nuts always pulled the studs out with them (essentially acting as if they were bolts) which probably gives everything more room for maneuvering. It's not clear from your post but if your studs stayed in the body, taking them out might be the solution.
3/14/22 3:43 p.m.
I took the studs out but still didn't have enough room. The two upper bolts look like they were meant to be put in partway first then the mount slid onto them, but there isn't room because the bracket that holds it to the body is in the way, but the upper bolt on the passenger side won't fit past the bolts that hold the mount and bracket together.
Someone with more recent experience would probably be of more help. Not that you say it I do remember the two bolts that stay in the engine and the mount slides over. I also remember there being just barely enough space to get the lower bolts in past the lower edge of the chassis. Like having to let the front of the engine drop a slightly worrying amount. Maybe your trans mounts are in good enough shape that they just won't let the engine rotate enough and you need to apply some force to get it to move enough?
Check this out:
Found these intructions helpful when I was changing the mounts on my 987 which is similar to 986.