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Derick Freese
Derick Freese SuperDork
7/29/13 3:05 a.m.

Who else has a place to crash that they're willing to let out to a fellow GRMer? I want an organic adventure. If I'm not staying the night with someone, I'll either sleep in the car or in a tent.

And video tape it.

Yes, hipsters still use tape.

stan SuperDork
7/29/13 6:46 a.m.

Too far North to offer anything but good wishes for a safe and -hopefully- trouble free trip. This is something I've been thinking about doing myself lately (for the same rust-free reasons) and will watch for any updates.

Spinout007 UltraDork
7/29/13 8:16 a.m.
Derick Freese wrote: My current plan is flying out mid-August and driving back home over about a week.

You might want to rethink that trip time. My dad and I did Bakersfield to Myrtle Beach in 4 days, but that was 12+ hour days in the seat with perfectly functioning cars. Add an unexpected pit stop in New Mexico due to a tire departing the trailer on the interstate. We are kinda spoiled here in the SE, most of eastern seaboard is a day trip away, left coast not so much. Texas is much much bigger than the maps give it credit for, and if you're in the bay area anyway, Do yourself a favor and take a day to bounce around the redwood forest area. Good luck with the trip! One of these days I'm going to get back out there for a visit, Yosemite has got to rate as one of my favorite places in the US for camping and hiking.

clutchsmoke HalfDork
7/29/13 11:38 a.m.

I used to have a mint black '88 LX-i sedan with the white/cream cloth interior. T'was a great car. I loved my brother's '90 Acura Legend more tho.

Oh! And good luck on your trip!

Double_Wishbone Reader
7/29/13 3:17 p.m.

Best of luck with this adventure!

Unfortunately, I am south of Palatka, so I won't be on your route. I'd be glad to drive up to Palatka to kick back and have a beer when you return though!

Bobzilla UberDork
7/29/13 3:18 p.m.
1988RedT2 wrote: You might want to carry a few basic tools with you.

10/12/14/17/19mm sockets, ratchet and a hammer. Maybe a flat screw driver.

codrus HalfDork
7/29/13 5:50 p.m.

Does the Accord have a working air conditioning system? Driving through AZ in 120F temps without AC is miserable.

Derick Freese
Derick Freese SuperDork
7/30/13 12:42 a.m.

Well, I have a bit over a week to make it back, so I should be good on time, and I can always head through the desert when it's night and cooler. The car has no AC, but I'm used to Central FL with no AC, so if I can deal with that, I should be fine. It's not like I'm tied to driving the hottest hours of the day.

Bobzilla, you need to add an 8mm, a couple of Phillips screwdrivers, and wrenches in the same sizes as stated. Other than literally a handful of hidden fasteners use anything else, except the axle nut. Since it gets new axles before I leave, those shouldn't be a problem.

codrus HalfDork
7/30/13 3:21 a.m.

FWIW, it's not that much cooler at night there -- might cool down to 90 after midnight. If it were me, I'd strongly consider taking 80 and 70, rather than the 10. It's a couple hundred miles further, but at least 10 and maybe 20 degrees cooler.

Bring lots and lots of water. :)

Derick Freese
Derick Freese SuperDork
7/30/13 4:07 a.m.

I10 is being avoided as much as possible. I'd rather take the "scenic" route than get on one road and drive it for all but 300 miles of a near 3,000 mile trip. That feels wrong to me. Besides, there are people out there that I'd like to meet up with.

Derick Freese
Derick Freese SuperDork
7/30/13 4:15 a.m.

For what it's worth, even at 90 degrees, a swamp cooler will work well there. They suck here.

Spinout007 UltraDork
7/30/13 6:41 a.m.

At least where we lived in northern California the temp swing was huge between night and day. 90-100+ daytime to down in the 50-60* range at night. I loved it.

Remember in the desert all the creepy crawlies and critters come out at night. If you get stuck on the side of the road working on a car, watch where you put your hands.

codrus HalfDork
7/30/13 8:15 p.m.
Spinout007 wrote: At least where we lived in northern California the temp swing was huge between night and day. 90-100+ daytime to down in the 50-60* range at night. I loved it.

Yeah, that's the big difference between California (at least, the parts of California where people want to live) and Phoenix. In AZ if you go outside at midnight it's frequently still over 90F.

devina New Reader
7/30/13 9:38 p.m.

The rod knock may be interesting. I drove a ~$1200 miata from FL to WI with toasted shocks and a leaky top. Out of balance tire (too bald for a shop to balance) ended up giving up in southern GA so limped into a shop for two of the cheapest tires out there...Drove a couple $3k integras north from FL or GA with minor issues- one needed a thermostat and the other needed a quick tune up mid trip...fun times.

Derick Freese
Derick Freese UltraDork
7/30/13 11:02 p.m.

There is a good chance I will be fixing the knock before I leave. That will depend on how bad the knock is.

So, it's time to start planning my trip. I have yet to figure out when I'm leaving, but it will be mid-August. For budgetary and added sense of adventure, I would like to sleep over with as many forum members as possible. This trip is being cross posted on a few different forums so a support system can be in place should I need to make a pit stop for repairs or rest. There will be quite a bit of down time added into my trip so I get to meet as many of you and listen to as many stories as possible.


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