phillyj New Reader
8/15/08 7:01 p.m.

Very funny stuff heres the shot autoblog version

this is the actual forum post and the scammer comes in to defend him self. Very amusing and I hope he goes to jail

People are saying they should have accepted a deposit first. That would have prevented scammers.

ignorant SuperDork
8/15/08 7:54 p.m.


Tommy Suddard
Tommy Suddard
8/15/08 8:56 p.m.

Looks like the kid spent 16k dollars he didn't have, to put carbon fiber trim and lambo doors on a Celica. What. An. Idiot!

pete240z HalfDork
8/15/08 9:26 p.m.
ignorant wrote: choad

excellent, it has been a while since I heard a guy call another guy that.

And to think my wife claims all this time I spend here is a waste.

Volksroddin Reader
8/15/08 9:36 p.m.
Tommy Suddard wrote: Looks like the kid spent 16k dollars he didn't have, to put carbon fiber trim and lambo doors on a Celica. What. An. Idiot!

Plus its an automatic!!!

Tommy Suddard
Tommy Suddard
8/15/08 9:45 p.m.

He's too busy pushing the nitrous buttons to shift.

ignorant SuperDork
8/15/08 10:37 p.m.
Tommy Suddard wrote: He's too busy pushing the nitrous buttons to shift.

watch out.. you could blow the welds on your intake manifold.

dculberson New Reader
8/16/08 8:10 a.m.
phillyj wrote: People are saying they should have accepted a deposit first. That would have prevented scammers.

Apparently they did get a deposit. The original job was just a paint job, and they got a $1000 deposit. It ballooned from there, and they got sloppy and let the small deposit slide. It's easy to do that, in a small business.

This "kid" is a habitual scammer, though. He's apparently ripped a lot of people off for a lot of things, and is currently on probation for a conviction of fraud. So I'm not sure the shop had a chance; most places enter into a deal with the "ass"umption that the other party at least intends to be on the up and up.

ww Dork
8/16/08 11:59 p.m.

Yeah, this kid is pretty much a looser and has very little chance of recovering his car. He should be more concerned about how he's gonna look to bubba when that bar of soap slips out of his hand in the shower...

SlickDizzy SuperDork
8/17/08 3:20 p.m.

Wow, what a complete dolt. It's idiots like this that make my life harder by insinuating that everyone under the age of 21 is an irresponsible scam-artist.

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