My E36 champcar has an obnoxious brake bleeding issue, we tried everything at our last race up to and including calling over a legit BMW mechanic. We got it bled well enough for the race but it's unsatisfying. We figure air in the ABS unit, which doesn't work anyway.
I've searched the internet and there's a chase bat's kit that has the (necessary) adjustable prop valve, and then there's a lot of BMW fanatics apoplectic that anyone would dare remove ABS.
Is there no oem abs delete for this car? I don't know if I trust chase bays for endurance racing. And I don't have time to troubleshoot the abs system. I just need to get a good bleed.
I'd be very surprised if you found an OE ABS delete; BMW had ABS standard from the mid-80s. Why can't you just remove the ABS pump and replumb the system the way you want it? New hard lines, prop valve, done...right?
Some e36s have a bleed nipple right at the ABS unit. Might be worth a check.
I stole these pics off the web, but they show the nipple both covered with the rubber cap and uncovered.

Hmm that may be the key, I'll check it out. Thanks!
What? Deleting abs in an e36 is dead simple. It's basically a standalone system that can be removed in one fail swoop.
I strongly suggest adding a bias valve into the rear lines tho as the pump has internal biasing supposedly. Is the system a 4 channel based or 3 channel based setup (one line for the rear fluid or two at the pump)?
I have had an e36 3 series world challenge car with deleted ABS and then did an install of a standalone e36 ABS system since I suck at driving.
What would you like to know? Did you try to jump the ABS pump relay to get it to cycle? Have you run a scanner to diag? Probably the pump needs rebuilt (2 hr rewire job) or a speed sensor needs replaced.
Edit: ABS Rebuild instructions:
The ABS system consist of: pedal sensor in the master, standalone ABS ECU, 2 relays/fuses, wheel speed sensor at each corner, pump, and I believe thats all. The 3 channel system in pre-96 models has a tee in the rear brake line near the fuel tank. The four channel system runs two independent lines from the pump back. If the ABS is deleted, the rear line can run from the master to a proportioning valve in the cabin and then to the rear where it can be tee-ed similar to the pre-96 models configuration.