I need some M14X90 eccentric bolts. Like they use for E30 rear camber and toe kits. I used to know what the application was for these. Like a C4 Vette strut rod or something. Like this

But for the life of me I can't remember where to look, and where I can find them the sizes are not listed
I am not looking for a "crash bolt" with the cam lobe on it.

Ok hive. Let me have it.
Thanks in advance
4/18/18 4:59 p.m.
If this isn’t it it’s very close specialty products #87500. 1995-2001 explorer
In reply to Jumper K Balls :
You’re correct that C4 Vettes have bolts like that on the rear, though I don’t know the size.
Edit: I presume you’re familiar with the NA Miata camber bolts?
In reply to Pete Gossett :
The ones on the rear subframe I have are 12mm. I looked first thing
In reply to sergio :
Those are in stock at the NAPA that I share a parking lot with. Running to inspect them now!
In reply to sergio :
A little long at 110mm but I can trim them down, thank you!
4/19/18 7:39 a.m.
Just found another one #87400 for 1988-1998 GM C series trucks. 100mm length
already mentioned but I'll mention it again: NAPA usually has a pretty good stock of those.
Unfortunately the Napa I have an account with got a new manager about 2 years ago. He is the very definition of the "peter principal" in action and he has driven out every employee with any real knowledge and replaced them with teenagers that lack the long term parts store knowledge base, and who never stay for more than a few months. I can no longer walk in and go through the books with a knowledgeable person and come up with something that I can make work. I have to do all the leg work myself or find what I am looking for via prolink and simply give them part numbers.
I miss the days when I could walk in with a random starter motor off an obscure 50's italian car and Jim behind the counter would say "That looks a lot like a Ford blahblahblah, lets see what we can make work" 20 minutes, some calipers, a tape measure and 6 starters later I could walk out with a cheap modern replacement that after some minor machining would do the job.
Now I walk in and ask for a bottle of "limited slip additive" and get a blank stare and 15 minutes of phone calls before I end up searching and finding it on the back of a shelf and they ask "what is this for anyway? I will need a VIN"