Making a rare post on the weekend since I'm not at work today. 
Anyhow, I know there are differences in swapping transmissions from a 2WD vehicle to a 4WD but how about engines?
I've got a '91 Geo Tracker that's 2WD. I've got a lead on a same generation Tracker that's 4WD. The 4WD truck is in better overall condition than mine, but has a blown engine. Would it be a straight swap to lift the engine out of mine and put it into the 4WD version of the same vehicle?
9/8/12 7:58 a.m.
Most likely. Though depending on the vehicle I wouldn't be entirely surprised to need to swap the oil pan or maybe some other accessories.
99% sure you're good to go. VERY few differences between 2&4 wheel drive trackers. Economics you know. Suzuki was very parts bin oriented. Depending on where you are, I may be interesred in a 2wd trans if 5 speed, as well as the accessories. Putting my Swift Gti engine in a RWD chassias...
Probably best to compare both engines side by side, and swap any different parts.
9/8/12 3:32 p.m.
Man, I'd love a hardtop! But I'm all the way in southeast PA...with minimal budget. 
9/9/12 12:43 p.m.
I could potentially meet you in Niagara Falls (Ont.) if it helps. I really want this thing out of the garage and off to a good home.
I just looked at the maps...I'd probably spend more in gas driving back and forth than it would cost to ship! 
Keeping my fingers crossed that it's a fairly straight swap. This will be my first attempt at such a thing.