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Adrian_Thompson UltimaDork
3/20/15 12:17 p.m.

They didn't change the rules to outlaw Newey's wizidry, they changed to rules to try and clarify ways of testing something that was always intended to be outlawed, but proved very dificult to define and out law. Yes you can say they should have done a better job of writing the original rules, but that's difficult and the whole reason that the F1 rule book has gone from a single sheet of paper to the tomb it is.

they specificaly wanted to outlaw flexible front wings, but Newey kept one step ahead of them. They set a date for outlawing blown difusers a long long way in advance and every knew it was coming.

And before Renault and RB bitch too much, remember that Renault were one of the groups saying they would quit if F1 didn't go hybrid. They got what they wanted, they've screwed up, they need to work harder to dig their way out of the hole they dug themselves into.

Ron Dennis has his issues, many many issues. But to his credit I've never heard him cry foul that others have an advantage. Even when RB were running away from it, when asked if something should be done to reign them in he would say 'No, it's up to us to work harder' The rest of the paddock needs his view.

Advan046 SuperDork
3/20/15 11:41 p.m.

Yeah Adrian Newey found many ways to skirt the rules. And even skirt the spirit of the rules. I have great respect for his engineering talent.

We may yet find that the MB guys found some small trick that is on the edge of the spirit of the rules.

Advan046 SuperDork
3/20/15 11:48 p.m.

I just hope Honda finds something. My favorite team seems doomed to last place.

Maybe discount road cars are coming soon from McLaren. You know $189k! Got to recover funds from the losses this season.

MCarp22 HalfDork
3/21/15 3:06 a.m.
Advan046 wrote: I just hope Honda finds something. My favorite team seems doomed to last place.

They will. I think that McLaren is going to be a monster once they get the power level up over 9000.

Advan046 SuperDork
3/23/15 1:04 a.m.

Formula one and the shrinking calendar. I don't know how the money moves around the race venues but man it seems complicated and contentious. Germany and Korea gone.

The Chinese GP still seems to be a pending flop. Canada is always on the ropes and Spa even skipped a year.

One less race to put mileage on a powertrain.

CobraSpdRH New Reader
3/24/15 1:14 p.m.

Looks like Alonso will be back for Malaysia. Too bad, in my opinion, as I was hoping Magnussen would get another chance after the dismal failure of his car in Australia.

Adrian_Thompson UltimaDork
3/27/15 9:15 a.m.

Heading into the weekend. Hell appears to be freezing over. Why you ask? Well I find myself coming down on the side of my once least favorite driver, Alonso who I used to refer to as 'AnyonebutAlonso' and against my favorite team who I've supported since I was in utero, McLaren.

Alonso has come out and said he's fine after the accident. He didnt' loose consiousness in the accident, only afterward in the medical facility. He says he remember the accident itself. He claims the steering locked, he down shifted and braked, hit the wall and recalls turning off the master switch etc.

McLaren keep saying they don't know what caused it, possibly a gust of wind where Alonso says a tornado couldn't have upset the car.

I don't think we'll know the truth until someone writes an (auto)biography in 10-15 years, but I feel with all the telematry available that McLaren must know more than they are filtering through 'Ron speak'

No matter what. McLaren aren't the slowest, Manor (Marussia) are back on track for that. Mercedes are clearly fastest so far with Ferrari, Williams and Red Bullsh!t all in a gaggle behind them

My hopes for the race:
1. Hammy
2. Vettel
3. A williams
4. The other Williams
5. The Honey badger
6. Silent Bob
7. Filipe Nasr

Lots of other people

First out Nico after screwing up a desperate dive bomb on Lewis at turn one which put Lewis to the back of the pack where he has to race all the way through to take the win.

No bias here

wvumtnbkr Dork
3/27/15 10:10 a.m.

Hmmm, you say Alonso is fin. Did you mean fine? or did you mean done with F1?

Adrian_Thompson UltimaDork
3/27/15 10:29 a.m.
wvumtnbkr wrote: Hmmm, you say Alonso is fin. Did you mean fine? or did you mean done with F1?

Fine, ops

wvumtnbkr Dork
3/27/15 1:03 p.m.

When you say ops, did you mean oops or operations?

I could do this all day!

I can't wait for this next race to unfold! I think there is going to be significant changes from last race to this race (Not necessarily at the front).

Rob R.

Adrian_Thompson UltimaDork
3/27/15 1:08 p.m.
wvumtnbkr wrote: When you say ops, did you mean oops or operations? I could do this all day! I can't wait for this next race to unfold! I think there is going to be significant changes from last race to this race (Not necessarily at the front). Rob R.

NNNnnnggg AAaaggghghhhhhh.

No, it was an abbreviation of Obfuscating the Proposed Summary!!!!

z31maniac UltimaDork
3/27/15 1:14 p.m.
Spoolpigeon wrote: I don't see why redbull is making such a fuss. Mercedes has to abide by the same rules as all the other teams, they're just playing the game better. I wonder if Horner wanted engine equality the 4 years they won the world and constructors titles?

It was well known the Renault V8 was down on power until the last 1-2 seasons of that engine format.

EDIT: See I was beat to that.

Spoolpigeon UberDork
3/27/15 2:00 p.m.

In reply to z31maniac:

I should have said 'performance' equality. My mistake.

Advan046 SuperDork
3/27/15 10:08 p.m.

Almost time to see who is fastest.

Do any of you guys watch these live? I used too but family needs have cut it down.

ncjay Dork
3/28/15 9:38 a.m.

Hamilton on the pole - again. This could be a loong season, especially for anyone without a Mercedes engine behind the seat of their F1 machine. Vettel appears to be doing well so far in his shiny new red car.

wae HalfDork
3/28/15 11:23 a.m.
Advan046 wrote: Almost time to see who is fastest. Do any of you guys watch these live? I used too but family needs have cut it down.

I tried to stay up to watch Melbourne, but I fell asleep about 15 laps in. Not sure if that was all the beer that I had been consuming beforehand or the quality of the racing. When they're in Europe and the races are at 6am, I'll make sure to go to church the night before and get up around quarter till, make some coffee and camp out on the couch. 3am, on the other hand is what DVRs were invented for!

I'm not really a tifosi, but it is really cool to see a not-a-Mercedes on the front row. I look forward to the drag race tomorrow morning. I know who's going to get to turn 1 first... but it'll still be fun to watch Vettel trying to split the Mercs.

Lancer007 Dork
3/28/15 1:46 p.m.

I usually DVR them, I'll try and watch live when I can if it starts before 10pm or after 5am. If not then I just watch when I get up.

Its too bad Raikkonen got caught out by the rain, hope he can make a good start. I have a feeling that it might be an ugly first sector since Vettel is in the mix with the Mercs.

Advan046 SuperDork
3/28/15 8:22 p.m.

I think it will all depend on if it is raining at the start of the race. Dry ice the MB boys will run away. Wet race hmmm maybe not. We will see.

Adrian_Thompson UltimaDork
3/28/15 9:18 p.m.

I'll live it if the podium is Hammy, vettel and Ricciardi. Mercedes, Ferrari, Renault to shut up the winners over Mercedes having an advantage.

In fact I love that to be the final championship standings with Button 4th, but while the first three are possible, and I think McLaren Honda will get more than one podium by the end of the year, a top six is beyond it.

Note that Button out qualified Alonso today.

wae HalfDork
3/29/15 8:32 a.m.

That was easily one of the best races I've seen in a while. Ferrari able to take it to the Mercedes engines, plenty of great battles up and down the pack, and while he didn't crash, Maldonado did make contact with another car, so that box is checked. I know that Hamilton is blaming tire strats, but that Ferrari was just a weapon in Seb's hands. What a difference from two weeks ago.

wvumtnbkr Dork
3/29/15 9:12 a.m.

Wow! Vettel destroyed everybody! Great job Ferrari!

This is gonna be fun to watch.

SnowMongoose Dork
3/29/15 9:55 a.m.

Despite having been up since 4AM PST I actually stayed up for the first half of the race, was a nice change of pace seeing colors other than silver at the front.

ncjay Dork
3/29/15 12:15 p.m.

I hope this race wasn't just a fluke. It would be nice to see Mercedes actually have some competition this season. For a guy that can't drive, coming off a rocky season, and heading into a team in a huge slump, Vettel and team have gotten things off to a fine start.

Adrian_Thompson UltimaDork
3/29/15 1:44 p.m.

Ferrari won that fair and square. Kimi got a puncture, was last and came back to finish 4th. Game on guys. It's a long time since I've rooted for Ferrari, but Vettel and Ferrari really really deserved that.

oldeskewltoy SuperDork
3/29/15 2:16 p.m.

Wow...... where are all those naysayers who said Vettel could only win because it was a Newey car......

Now for me... I have to consider rooting FOR a Ferrari......

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