In reply to Advan046:
I'm not sure how one interprets my ramblings as endorsement of the mob...
My reference to "the crowd" just meant that at every F1 race I've ever seen (even Silverstone), it appears like a someone took a red Sharpie and randomly colored every third person's hat or shirt in. And that's why Scrooge McBernie has to reach his short arms into his deep pockets to pay the excruciating Scuderia Tax - because "the passion" of Ferrari, the tifosi-ism, drives the afflicted to submit their even larger piles of moneys to Darth Ecclestone, for the privilege to see and smell the big show.
I am the LAST person to defend mob rule or to like something because everyone else does. I'm a Cleveland Browns fan for crying out loud! No, really, being a Browns fan is only good for crying out loud.
All Enzo Ferrari desired was......(Read using Chris Economaki's voice)........TO RACE!
Yeah, okay he wanted to have some noodles and wine and to berk, too. But that was only to fuel the furnace, his fire was to race. Don't read this last part as Chris, he was too classy....
Anyway, was Enzo really such a devil? Was he more or less of a prick who obviously made morally-questionable decisions as a human in his personal life and difficult decisions on men's destinies than say, Frank Williams? Whether you love/hate/DGAF about Ferrari, you have to recognize that "the passion" has driven the sport. And I feel the passion, okay?
Henry Ford was a great man, another Titan. Please understand that unlike my wife, humans are flawed beings. But his personal views are something for another body to judge and the fact that Ford are F1 quitters, relegates them/him from this current conversation.
I'll not use the term "respect" about MB as I don't approve of some of the labor and business-building practices they were into before my Grandfather and his brothers & buddies took some time off their scheduled lives to enforce a cease and desist order upon them. Besides, who can picture Gottlieb or Karl, who can say that their souls are contained in the cars bearing their names? There's more too, but I don't think anyone wants to read a "why etifosi hates MB" thread.
I hope you aren't disconcerted by MY FANDOM, it just ends up being really easy to write in that tone when discussing something you love. I don't go crazy over modern Ferrari road-cars either, I just love F1 Ferrari and the ghosts that carry it's spirit to this very day.
Your last comment really underscores my point, the others haven't got the same commitment & never will, they lack "the passion".
I don't think we need to worry about riots at races, most race fans can be adversarial at times but seem to recognize that the clock is their common enemy.