I'm adding an electric fan to my F-250. It's a junkyard assembly out of an SHO. The fuse for said fan was 60 amps
. So I'm guessing the regular over the counter 30 amp relay kits that parts stores sell would be insufficient to switch it with. Does anyone know a good heavy duty option I can watch for on my next trip to the pick & pull?
Run two 30 amp units in parallel?
You could always hit up the local car stereo shop for decent cheap easily found fuses and digikey for a relay.
Get a relay from the car the fan came in?
I run a Taurus fan in my Lemons car, the relay from the donor Taurus was blue and obviously bigger than a standard Bosch 20A.
for some reason I thought the taurus fans relay was some integral control unit. hmmmm....
Could have some type of control unit, but the car I got my fan from had big blue relays labled "Fan Hi" and "Fan Lo" in the relay block. I'll take a picture when I get home.
I have a whole box of brand new, Bosch 30A, 12 and 24VDC condenser fan relays. I'll send one to anyone that wants it for free, plus shipping. Just PM me.
7/26/13 1:51 p.m.
Apparently Volvo relays are popular. I wish I'd know that when I hit the yard last weekend.