Has this been posted yet?
If not, I sure hope that it can be opened and viewed/read. It's a cool read with the fastest most insane T-Bone video that I've ever seen or could even imagine !
You had me with T-Bone, but it won't open on my work computer. I'll check it out later, then. 
From each according to their ability, to each according to their need.
Some people apparently need a Ferrari.
Some people NEED a swift kick in the nuts. 
5/20/14 1:43 p.m.
No, this is the fastest most insane T-bone I have ever seen.
WARNING: this was a fatal crash that ended a police chase.
The Ferrari T-Bone was also fast and fatal X3. Yours proves you don't have to be rich to be stupid, but people just won't care when you kill yourself.
5/20/14 2:02 p.m.
It's sad that CNBC will drag up a two year old video to promote an income inequality agenda.
I wonder if the situation has gotten better or worsened in the past two years. Can't imagine it improving . . .
5/20/14 2:15 p.m.
In reply to TeamEvil:
Agenda-driven "journalism" is much worse than it was two years ago. And there's more of it to boot.
The China video is two years old, but the main article about the businessman who was Too Big To Jail is fresh.
I'd be shocked if no more Chinese politicians' sons have wrecked supercars in two freaking years as well.
Some dumb berkeleying judge thinks a rich guy can leave his home arrest to see the stupid bowl... 
5/21/14 9:09 p.m.
^^Hey, you need to lay off your "agenda" of pointing out things that are patently unjust!
Yeah, he was MOWED down...
Duke wrote:
No, this is the fastest most insane T-bone I have ever seen.
WARNING: this was a fatal crash that ended a police chase.
5/22/14 12:05 p.m.
Oh, how i love offensive/insensitive puns. 
look up any video of "drivers in China".....I can tell you that people there cannot drive. not the poor. not the bicyclists. not the middle-class. not moped-riders. not the rich. not cabbies. Driving is a relatively new thing there (many on the road didn't get their first car until middle-age), and high-speed roads are an even newer thing, mostly constructed in the last decade around much of China. Even the "rich" didn't used to have anyplace to drive their expensive cars really. Now....not the case. Thousands of miles of almost-empty freeways, many going to the middle of nowhere.
Really it's that they just don't "get" traffic laws there. Most there grew up riding bikes with no real laws. They drive exactly the same way, as if they're riding a bike or walking. And seriously, NOBODY there is paying attention. Everyone is on the phone, and most drivers never look left or right or use their mirrors. Most are totally oblivious to what is going on near their cars, stoplights, intersections, etc...
It's truly an odd thing to watch.
Looked at a handful of vids on You Tube of car crashes in Asia and Russia. Are dash board cams required on all cars over there or are there so very many crashes that everyone has them for insurance claims. Do they even HAVE car insurance? They sure don't seem to have any traffic laws, I mean five people piled onto a moped along with a new television still in the box ? ! ? ! ? ! ?