So, the serpentine belt that fits the challenge car is a k060620
This belt was 21.97
Being a challenge car, thats a not insignificant amount of the budget.
Id like to find a used one, but have no idea what it actually came factory in. I know that used belts are a lot like used underwear (dont buy someone else's), but that 2.00 verses 22.00
Since y'all can find and figure out anything, i figure I'll ask.
10/30/18 7:08 a.m.
RockAuto has a look up by part number section. sometime there's a "where used info" button but not on this part HOWEVER there is a brand of belt i've never heard of for $6.04
FOUND IT! If you click on the blue part number a Buyer Guide pop up box with the application comes up. AUDIA42004-2009CHRYSLERCONCORDE1998-1999CHRYSLERINTREPID1998-1999DODGEINTREPID1998-1999FORDFUSION2014-2017FORDLTD CROWN VICTORIA1983-1991MERCURYGRAND MARQUIS1983-1989
10/30/18 7:12 a.m.
In reply to Dusterbd13 :
Also I seem to remember you saying it was at one extreme so change your length some and see if there's a cheaper alternative. We did the same on the Q45 and found a Ford tractor belt was $8 on eBay.
10/30/18 7:17 a.m.
6 rib 62” correct?
If you can go 61.5” k060615 is run of the mill 2.8/3.1 mpfi stuff. I probably have one hanging on the wall that is used but I would bring to the challenge so you can swap it out and run with a $0 belt, because i intend to throw out all the old belts when my cleaning rounds get to that end of the garage
I think the numbers shown are length and width/ width being shown in rows where it runs over the pully. also length reduction be figured at Pi = 1 in . is 3.18 overall. this may not be right and input is needed.
10/30/18 7:30 a.m.
In reply to GTXVette :
Length is overall inside. 06 is 6 rib, 0620 is 62” inside. The easiest way to measure a belt if starting from scratch is to take a 1” strap and build your belt with it, then when you’re overlapped tape the ends together, pull off, lay your loop flat on itself and measure then multiply by 2. So if you had a 24” flat circle you need a 48” belt, and the 6 rib number would be 060480
In reply to Patrick :
I can go a half inch longer, but not shorter.
In reply to 44Dwarf :
I could NOT figure out how to get to that part on rockauto. Thanks! Some of those are fairly common in the yards around here.
10/30/18 7:39 a.m.
Rock auto does have one for $6.04
The way i measured, that worjed, was to take a ridiculously long 6 rib belt that was GARBAGE. cut it to make it a long flat, instead of circle. Routed it, marked where the ends met with the tensioner at full short travel. Measured with a tape measure, and bought the belt closest.
LOOK FOR AN 060625
That should work out a 1/2 inch longer, or 1.5? longer if my math was right, no one checked that