So my car guy buddy and I are going to do our first rallycross this weekend. This also basically our first organized motorsport event, so I need advice. I'm not looking for driving techniques or car setup, but more like what do we need to do at the event, what to bring, what to expect, etc. We will be sharing one car, and making use of the hosting clubs loaner helmet. The cars battery has a factory hold down and we have functional factory seatbelts, the suspension and steering are tight, and the brakes work well, is there anything else that could get the car evicted during inspection? I'm not so worried about classing, but I don't want to get sent home because I didn't perform a five minute fix. Thanks in advance.
Make sure the positive battery terminal is covered. Plan to take everything you can out of the car when you arrive. Other than that, you should be in pretty good shape. And most rallycross guys will give you pointers and are happy to help out with stuff.
It seems like you have it mostly covered.
Bringing some kind of wipe to clean the inside of the helmet isn't a bad idea. We've had black widows take up residence in our loaner helmets before. You could even Wear a buff or do-rag under the helmet if you want. You don't know who's had it on before you.
Bring plenty of water.
If it is in Ohio, I'm sure one or more people on the board will probably be going to the same event- maybe they will have more specific information.
10/19/16 8:48 a.m.
Sounds like you have it covered. The only other thing that would fail you at tech would be missing windshield or side windows.
10/19/16 8:51 a.m.
Our club requires a $2 disposable head cover to use the loaner helmets. No one has bitched yet. Nothing like a fresh bucket of someone else's sweat to enhance your competitive experience.
10/19/16 8:53 a.m.
Wheel bearings - try shaking the wheel back and forth. Curious where, we're having one Saturday in Middletown OH.
In reply to EvanB: Windows are all there. If you're there stop by and say hello. We will be the two doofuses in a beretta.
As far as the positive battery terminal, its the gm side post. It has the rubber boot over the cable, but the original battery bolt sticks out of it. Is that kosher? If not will a little black tape over it make it legal?
In reply to Jerry: Yep, thats where we are going.
In reply to gearheadmb:
Tape over the terminal / bolt should be good enough. As long as it's not exposed metal it should pass tech.
10/19/16 9:18 a.m.
10/19/16 9:23 a.m.
Also if you preregister you can avoid the $10 walk-up fee:
There is lunch on the site. I'll be there as a safety steward but probably not racing.
Other things to check are your throttle return spring, although they don't tend to fail often, at least on fuel injected cars, and make sure you have all your lug nuts.
I get roped into teching occasionally, and otherwise, I think everyone has pretty much covered what I look for.
As for what else to bring, basic tools, a way to air up your tires is handy, but you can usually borrow that from someone else, some light snacks (I carry a granola or clif bar for when I'm working on course), water/gatorade. A ball cap or dorky broad rimmed hat is useful for when you're working in the field, a bandana soaked in a little water makes a good face mask when it's dusty, and a spare pair of socks can be handy if the field is wet. And some cash to pay for lunch.
I'll be there in the blue Dodge Neon, see you at the event!
In reply to eastsidemav:
Oh cool. Do you run stock front? I ask because I would like to park by someone in my class so that when they go get in line I know that I need to also.
In reply to gearheadmb:
Nope, the Neon is very far from stock 
No worries about when to get in line, we do a good job of making that clear, and you'll have time to do it when the other group is walking out to their work assignments. Best to just make sure your car is ready to go before the driver's meeting begins.
I'm so jealous you guys have events that multiple members attend and it within driving distance.
10/19/16 12:00 p.m.
Most critical is you need to bring enough beer to bribe the event officials and tech inspector. Import only, no cheap swill or overhopped hipster beer. (I am thinking of bringing Lumpy out to technically make some runs for Mazdaspeed purposes)
New Reader
10/19/16 12:32 p.m.
Jim Rowland of MiDiv has written up some great rallycross information, including a quality novice guide. Check it out here.
10/19/16 12:43 p.m.
In reply to NOHOME:
This is my standard quote for many things. I'm always curious to see who gets it.
10/19/16 1:49 p.m.
Rallycross. Ok first, bring some basic tools. You never know what will happen. Last event our muffler hangars broke off, and if I had my tools I could have just pulled the exhaust off from cat back. I didnt have my tools, so we borrowed some bungee cord from someone and just bungee'd it up.
Second, yeah, bring lots of water. Also, some guy had the genius idea of bringing those paint masks. I really wish I had, because our venue was DUSTY. Like insanely dusty. My shirt was brown by the time we were finished, and it started out white.
Third, always helps to bring a couple $20 bills. Most events have fun paraphernalia, like window banners or stickers, shirts, or what have you. Its fun to represent your local rallycross group. Also, if you blow a tire, you can throw a few 20s at the guy next to you and buy a tire off of him, if you are running the same bolt pattern.
10/19/16 4:47 p.m.
Desmond wrote: Also, if you blow a tire, you can throw a few 20s at the guy next to you and buy a tire off of him, if you are running the same bolt pattern.
This is Ohio. We reseat the bead right there on course, usually have a tank and jack ready to go in the back of someone's car.
What about numbers? I assume they will assign one and I have to put them on with tape or something? How does two drivers in one car play into this equation?
We got to pick our own numbers as long as they were not already chosen. Pick a pair of numbers that share digits. We used 13 & 113 as it was easy to add/remove the one as needed. Print numbers and apply with blue painters tape, or just make numbers out of tape.
gearheadmb wrote:
What about numbers? I assume they will assign one and I have to put them on with tape or something? How does two drivers in one car play into this equation?
Most rallyx events I have been to are pretty lax about this.
In the autox world, 2 driver cars almost always have a 2 and 3 digit number. The 3 digit number is a 1 in front of the 2 digit number. I.E. 05 and 105, 37 and 137 etc.
2 driver cars usually grid in a different spot and half-way through each set of runs, they grid workers can release them back into the line so effectively a 2 driver car runs twice each time single driver cars run once.
In rallyx events I've been to, there often isn't a "grid" like large autox events, so you need to cut the line. Hopefully your region has a second line for 2 driver cars or something like that. Regions that are relaxed about this are kind of a pain in the butt.
10/19/16 8:26 p.m.
Yah, generally two driver cars have their own lane, and single-driver cars are aplit up into two lanes, and the two driver cars get filtered in twice as often. In theory. I don't think either of the Ohio regions care about run order so you can do all five and then your codriver does all five, or you can alternate exactly, or you can do 2/5/3, or whatever. Just make sure you change numbers when changing driver.
Numbers really aren't a concern as long as they are different. When I co-drive car 14, we just flip the numbers around to 41. Other people slap a 1 in front of or behind an existing number.
National level events treat two driver cars and numbering differently. This is a regional, we're a buttload more informal.
To be honest I don't know if this weekend's event is OVR or WOR. Both regions use the same site, and it's generally the same people showing up too...
And yes, there is a VERY large GRM community/Ohio rallycross crossover
I'm watching Bill's Neon thread to see if he's going to make it out too.